Thursday, April 30, 2015

FFVII – Part 59: Reno 911

Summary: The felt the need to bring back Don Corneo for reasons passing understanding. He temporarily kidnaps both Elena and Yuffie. Our party helps them out, but it’s Reno and Rude who ultimately save the day. Not my favorite section, mostly because I don't like seeing Elena or Yuffie in this role.

TW: Rape, sexual assault.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

FFVII – Part 58: Avalanche Runs Through the City

Summary: The party travels to Wutai. Yuffie, to what probably shouldn’t have been my surprise, steals all our material. Barret, Nanaki, and Cloud pursue her through Wutai. They are… unsuccessful.

Monday, April 27, 2015

FFVII – Part 57: The Huffy Yuffie

Summary: We get one Huge Materia, lost another, and win our very own submarine. We get obliterated by Emerald Weapon. And the best of all things, we get Yuffie.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Saturday, April 25, 2015

FFVII – Part 56: Under the Sea

Summary: Back to the real world. The party heads to Junon, makes our way to the underwater reactor, and chases the Huge Materia onto a departing submarine.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Fitness Stuff - April 24, 2015

Morning weight: 275.8

I'll post my weight most mornings.  Simultaneously, I'll mentally discount it as much as possible.  Day to day it'll fluctuate a lot, and only if I see little change after a week or so will I start to pay it more mind.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

FFVII – Part 55: Both Sides Now

Summary: We learn the truth of who Cloud is, and what really happened five years ago in Nibelheim. This is so cool.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Fitness Stuff - April 22, 2015

Morning weight: 275.4 lbs

Throwing in the towel regarding "Nerd Fitness Academy."  Long post today, including today's food and exercise notes and my plan going forward.

FFVII – Part 54: Kids

Summary: Our trip through Cloud’s memories continues to time he spent with Tifa as a kid. This is great.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

FFVII – Part 53: A Cloud Divided

Summary: Yo dog, I heard you like Clouds. So I put some Clouds in your Cloud so you can question the foundations of all that you think you know while you question the foundations of all that you think you know.

Monday, April 20, 2015

FFVII – Part 52: RTS in my RPG

Summary: We backtrack to Fort Condor, where we fight off Shinra’s attacking forces in an RTS-style mini-game. Huge Materia acquired. One to go.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

FFVII – Part 51: Hop a Train

Summary: Cait Sith tells of Shinra’s plan to destroy the meteor. We’re apparently against it because we value Shinra’s downfall more than the survival of the planet, so move to stop them from taking Huge Materia from the Corel Reactor. SEPHIROTH, MY LIFE FOR YOU! (Though more likely, we just don’t trust Shinra.)

Thursday, April 16, 2015

FFVII – Part 50: Stuck in the Mideel with You

Summary: Our search for Cloud takes us around the world. We find him in the southern village of Mideel, suffering from Mako-sickness and memory loss from his trip through the lifestream.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Fitness - Week 1, Day 4

Better day, with less eating off plan.  I also experimented

FFVII – Part 49: Weapon, Horror of the Deep!

Summary: Our party survives from Shinra’s clutches in Junon through a daring air escape. Blah blah blah. Whatever. What’s more important is that the series continues to fulfill my need to see giant monsters. Especially giant sea monsters. WEAPON ATTACKS!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Fitness - Week 1, Day 3

Morning weight: 272.6 lbs
Total change: -2.0 lbs

FFVII – Part 48: Fire in the Sky

Summary: We see hints at Tifa’s perspective on meeting Cloud. This is a bit after the whole Godzilla (“Weapon”) awakening. Barret and Tifa are in the Shinra Building, marching to execution. Because Shinra.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Fitness - Week 1, Day 2

Some small successes and experiments in cooking coupled with going mindlessly off-plan.

FFVII – Part 47: Total Recall

Summary: Cloud’s true identity emerges at last. He gets Sephiroth – erm, the real Sephiroth – the Black Materia. Mecha-Godzilla appears.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Fitness - Week 1, Day 1: Routine Restart

Last post was getting a bit long, so posting my food and exercise today here. 

Fitness - Week 1, Day 1: Back on the Horse

Week 1 Starting Weight: 274.6 lbs

I've just paid pretty much zero attention to fitness recently.  Tons of binging, and I'm nearly 275 pounds.

My long-term path and first week's meal plan inside.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

FFVII – Part 46: Shattered Memories

Summary: Sephiroth. He takes us down on a trip down memory lane, but with key players altered. Tifa may know more than she’s saying.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

FFVII – Part 45: Reunion-Bound

Summary: The party explores atop Gaea’s Cliff. We’re on the way to Sephiroth, but Team Shinra is near. When we fine Sephiroth, he morphs into Jenova-DEATH for reasons I still don’t get. Something about Jenova’s cells.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

FFVII – Part 44: Touching the Void

Summary: Our party treks through the snowy north, across the Great Glacier and up Gaea’s Cliffs.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

FFVII – Part 43: Pizza, French Fry

Summary: A quieter session than last time. We pursue Sephiroth to a quiet mountain town. Elena catches up with us. We snowboard down the mountain, and pizza when we should have French fried. Over and over and over.

Monday, April 6, 2015

FFVII – Part 41: The Empty City

Summary: The party finds its way through the Sleeping Forest and to the hauntingly beautiful Forgotten Capital. Its watery theme and emptiness makes me fear we stumbled into R’lyeh and that Sephiroth really wants to raise Cthulhu.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

FFVII – Part 40: The Manchurian Candidate

Summary: Cait Sith sacrifices either a stuffed toy or an innocent cat (still not sure which) to get us the Black Materia. Which we lose like two seconds later as Sephiroth draws on some connection with Cloud to force him to give it up. Aeris goes to confront him, and the rest of the party follows.

Friday, April 3, 2015

FFVII – Part 39: Temple with a Clock in its Walls

Summary: We work our way around the clock face. Good loot and cool monsters all around. Then the mural room, where we meet Sephiroth and learn more about his plan to ascend to power. Ominously enough, no Jenova sightings.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

FFVII – Part 38: Ascending and Descending

TW: centipedes

Summary: The beginning of the Temple of the Ancients. We meet a dying Tseng, navigate some Escher-esque settings, and get hints at Sephiroth’s goals.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Nerd Fitness Academy - Hard Reset

Terrible recent weeks.  Full update tomorrow, but wanted to post this now as a personal reminder and encouragement to take action tomorrow.  Multiple updates through the day likely.

Rift Week #1: Let's Roll

Where I use to roll my new Rift character.

FFVII – Part 37: Cat’s Paw

Summary The S.S. Tifa/Cloud gains speed and power. I freak out to learn that I misjudged a party member about as badly as its possible to misjudge a party member, and we lose the keystone.

New MMO Project - Rift

The FF playthrough is going well, and I love this series.  But at my heart, I'm an MMO player.  I have been since picking up EverQuest when it released.  Swapped from there to World of Warcraft, and dabbled in different MMOs since then.  This genre strikes a chord with me; it excites me in a way that other genres don't.

So!  The FF playthrough will continue at its current pace, but I'm adding a new weekly post/project to this site.