Monday, October 31, 2016

FFX – Part 48: Ghosts of Zanarkand

Summary: The empty statue of Lord Zaon. The conclusion of Lord Braska’s pilgrimage. Lady Yunalesca goes down as Yuna risks it all for a chance to break the cycle. Auron’s past meets the present.

FFX – Part 47: Trial by Tetris

Summary: The memory-haunted ruins of Zanarkand. Trials in the Dome. Approaching the Final Aeon. Maybe.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

FFX – Part 46: Full Circle

Summary: Trials of Gagazet. Sanctuary Keeper. Yuna’s sphere. Arrival at Zanarkand.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

FFX – Part 45: Dreamweaver

Summary: Seymour Flux. The Fayth Cluster. Mindfuckery dialed up to 11 in dream!Zanarkand. I have many, many questions.

Monday, October 24, 2016

FFX – Part 44: The Mountain Accepts the Strong

Summary: From the Calm Lands to Mount Gagazet. A mixed Ronso welcome. Kimahri’s rematch with Biran (and Yenke). Taking stock of my equipment and key items. Wantz. Climbing the mountain.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Saturday, October 22, 2016

FFX – Part 43: The Hunt for Dark Yojimbo

Summary: Back to the Cavern of Stolen Fayth, where I try, try, and try again to take down Dark Yojimbo. Progress without ultimate success.

Friday, October 21, 2016

FFX – Part 42: Bargaining for Backup

Summary: Cavern of the Stolen Fayth. Lulu puts to rest her former summoner. Haggling with Yojimbo. Many, many deaths at the hands of a mystery aeon.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Coldrun Fitness - 10/20/16 [complete]

I really didn't think I'd make the calorie goal today. But when I got home, I was just conked out.  Tired as hell.  Fell asleep for a few hours and had a small dinner when I woke up instead of the bigger dinner I planned.

Good.  Note to self: when circumstances allow, sleep helps.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

FFX – Part 41: Belgemine’s Gym

Summary: Remiem Temple. Chocobo racing (mercifully without projectiles flying at me this time). Fighting a series of aeon duels with Belgemine.

Quick Final Fantasy Update!

Not too much news - just been a bit delayed and shorter on time than usual for FF this week.

I expect to have 3-4 posts this week still, with the next tonight.


Coldrun Fitness - 10/19/16 [complete]

Ate more than my 2,500, but I'm kind of okay with that.  I ate less than usual yesterday, felt hungrier than usual today, and didn't fight that.  Didn't binge either.

Strangely proud.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Coldrun Fitness - 10/18/16 [complete]

Food Log
  • Two slices of pizza. (700 cal)
  • Mixed Halloween candy. (120 cal)
  • Bottled mocha frappuccino. (180 cal)
  • Steak/hummus bowl. (630 cal)
  • Ice cream bar. (360 cal)
Total calories: 1,990


  • About 30 minute Pokewalk.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Coldrun Fitness - 10/17/16 [complete]

My food goal this week: stop at 2,500 calories each day, as many days as I can.  If I don't stop, mark where I should've/would've stopped.  Track honestly.

Exercise goals this week: a couple of bodyweight workouts and go for a few long Pokewalks.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

FFX – Part 40: Gotta Catch ‘Em All!

Summary: Stocking up the Crusaders’ training arena in the Calm Lands. The Scar. Chimerageist.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Coldrun Fitness - 10/13/16

8:30am - Today's goal is to stay in the 2,400-2,600 cal range, and stay there as calmly as possible.  If I start feeling like I'm struggling hard with it, loosen up.  Track it in this post no matter what.

11:00pm - Didn't exactly meet my 2,600 cal goal, but I tracked it honestly and just barely missed it.  Pretty happy.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

FFX – Part 39: Dodgeball

Summary: The Calm Lands. Chocobo training with the FFX version of Patches O’Houlihan. Aeon duel with Belgemine. Father Zuke.

Monday, October 10, 2016

FFX – Part 38: The Road Not Taken

Summary: Seymour Natus. Yuna considers her next steps with Tidus. Dreaming of what could be. The pilgrimage continues.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

FFX – Part 37: Via Purifico

Summary: The split party in Bevelle’s Via Purifico. Summoner duel between Yuna and Issaaru. A nasty underwater dragon. Seymour’s next form.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Road to 267 - 10/8/16

Weighed in this morning at 267.6 lbs.  Not like walking/biking/eating from yesterday magically dropped me three pounds, but weight is weird.  Not going to worry about it too much.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Road to 269 - 10/7/16

I noticed one potential danger to the "day-by-day" approach I wrote about yesterday: if I'm not careful, it can turn into the kind of high pressure long-term plan I want to avoid. ("Take it day-by-day, NO MATTER WHAT.  OH GOD I DIDN'T TAKE IT DAY-BY-DAY TODAY. ALL IS LOST!")

Going to try staying flexible, staying calm.  If I feel like taking on a small project, or small goal, that's okay too.  This is just what I'm doing for now.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Road to 269 - 10/6/16

I checked my weight this morning.  270.2 lbs.

To be honest, I'm scared. I hate how I feel, how I look, how easily I get winded.  Tried for so long to make adjustments only to give up so soon after.

There's no plan that can help me.  There's no long term strategy I can count on.  I have zero confidence that if I want to do something over the course of a week, I'll be able to follow-through.  None.

I'm currently around 270 pounds.  Let's see if I can get to 269 somehow.  Make a couple of better food choices today.  Go for a little bit of exercise.

I can do that much.  I think I can.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

FFX – Part 36: Culture of Death

Summary: The Bevelle Trials. Bahamut. Yuna on Trial. Prison.

Monday, October 3, 2016

FFX – Part 35: Wedding Crashers

Summary: Flying in Cid’s airship. Guado attack. Evrae. Bevelle. Forced wedding between Yuna and Seymour the Corpse Groom. Seymour and the Guado punch their ticket straight to hell.

TW: sexual assault

Sunday, October 2, 2016

FFX – Part 34: Lost and Found

Summary: Sanubia Desert. Home under siege. The kidnapped summoners.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

FFX – Part 33: Scatter

Summary: Flight from the Guado. Knocked about by a Wendigo. Tossed across the seas by Sin. In Al Bhed territory.