Summary: Anima. The party undergoes a transformation. Snow and Serah. Lake Bresha. Paradigms.
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Monday, October 29, 2018
FFXIII – Part 5: Crystal Sister
Summary: The party members converge on Serah, who fulfills her Focus.
Saturday, October 27, 2018
FFXIII – Part 4: Collision Course
Summary: Sazh and Lightning, Hope and Vanille, and Snow journey through the Vestige.
Thursday, October 25, 2018
FFXIII – Part 3: Bad Day at Hanging Edge
Summary: NORA suffers a brutal defeat. Snow, Gadot, Lebreau. Vanille and Hope. The Vestige.
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
FFXIII – Part 2: Fog of War
Summary: Combat basics. Sazh and Lightning move through the Hanging Edge. Meeting Snow, Yuj, and NORA.
Note: I’m taking this slow. Reading tutorials, datalog lore, and getting used to everything. I apologize to anyone hoping for a faster pace. I may speed up at some point when I’m more comfortable.
Note: I’m taking this slow. Reading tutorials, datalog lore, and getting used to everything. I apologize to anyone hoping for a faster pace. I may speed up at some point when I’m more comfortable.
Sunday, October 21, 2018
FFXIII – Part 1: Fast as Lightning
Summary: A new game begins! Meeting Sazh and Lightning. Escaping a train into a city at war. Manasvin Warmech. Exploring early menus.
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
FFXIV – Part 120: Scion Sign-Off
Summary: Some brief thoughts on XIV before I start XIII, along with future plans in XIV.
Note: due to the sheer number of stories and characters in XIV, I’ll only touch on a few highlights per category. Apologies to characters, stories, and mechanics I don’t address.
Note: due to the sheer number of stories and characters in XIV, I’ll only touch on a few highlights per category. Apologies to characters, stories, and mechanics I don’t address.
Spoilers inside through patch 4.4.
Sunday, October 14, 2018
FFXIV – Part 119: Vivi
Summary: The Heavensward Hildibrand quests. An all-time Final Fantasy great gets his own XIV story.
Thursday, October 11, 2018
FFXIV – Part 118: Warring Triad
Summary: Three ancient eikons awaken in the Containment Bay of Azys Lla. Unukalhai. Regula van Hydrus’s conviction.
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
FFXIV – Part 117: Prelude in Violet
Summary: The end of patch 4.4. An old character’s return brings one of the game’s biggest mindfucks.
Monday, October 8, 2018
FFXIV – Part 116: Nhaama’s Strength
Summary: Start of patch 4.4 main story quests. Following Alphinaud to the Burn. Return to the Steppe.
Saturday, October 6, 2018
FFXIV – Part 115: Under the Moonlight
Summary: The conclusion of patch 4.3. The tragic end of Yotsuyu. Alphinaud’s journey north.
Friday, October 5, 2018
FFXIV – Part 114: Tsuyu
Summary: Beginning the patch 4.3 main story quest. Yotsuyu’s new identity falters thanks to Asahi, the worst human alive.
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
FFXIV – Part 113: The Faerie Queen
Summary: Dun Scaith, the final Heavensward raid. Deathgaze, Ferdiad, Queen Scathach, Diabolos. Sky pirates victorious.
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
FFXIV – Part 112: Shadows of Mhach
Summary: Sky pirate rivals explore ancient Mhachian ruins. The first two 24-player Heavensward raids. Diabolos. Cait Sith. Ozma!
Note: I completed the first quest, “Sky Pirates,” way back in part 66. Everything after that, starting with the Void Ark raid itself, is new.
Note: I completed the first quest, “Sky Pirates,” way back in part 66. Everything after that, starting with the Void Ark raid itself, is new.
FFXIV – Part 111: The Final Coil of Bahamut
Summary: The conclusion to the Bahamut raid. Phoenix and Bahamut Prime. Alisaie and Louisoix find peace.