Summary: Crawling through the sector six slums. Giving Aerith a hand. The strangest gang in Midgar.
Completed Projects
- Chrono Trigger
- Final Fantasy I
- Final Fantasy II
- Final Fantasy III
- Final Fantasy IV
- Final Fantasy IV: Interlude
- Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
- Final Fantasy IX
- Final Fantasy Tactics A2
- Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
- Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions
- Final Fantasy V
- Final Fantasy VI
- Final Fantasy VII
- Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
- Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus
- Final Fantasy VII: Remake
- Final Fantasy VIII
- Final Fantasy X
- Final Fantasy X-2
- Final Fantasy X-2: Last Mission
- Final Fantasy XI
- Final Fantasy XII
- Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings
- Final Fantasy XIII
- Final Fantasy XIII-2
- Final Fantasy XIII: Lightning Returns
- Final Fantasy XV
Active Projects
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
FFVIIR - Part 33: Beck’s Badasses [Semi-Blind]

Monday, September 28, 2020
FFVIIR - Part 32: Elmyra’s Request [Semi-Blind]
Summary: Back to Chez Aerith. Mothers. Sneaking away from Aerith. Unsuccessfully, and thank the Lifestream for that.

Saturday, September 26, 2020
FFXIV – Part 217: The Legendary Siegfried [Blue Mage 50-60]
Summary: Defending the Celestium from a hostile takeover. Finding a role for the new blue mage guild.

Friday, September 25, 2020
FFVIIR - Part 31: Rude [Semi-Blind]
Summary: Helping an old man visit his wife's grave (and then inexplicably pissing him off). Sparring with Rude.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020
FFXIV – Part 216: Azuro Returns! [Blue Mage 50]
Summary: Finishing the 50 blue mage quest and Azulmagia. Challenges #1-25 in the Masked Carnivale.

FFVIIR - Part 29: Whack-a-Box [Semi-Blind]
Summary: King of the hedgehog pies. The saintly Ms. Folia. A DPS mini-game.

FFVIIR - Part 28: Monodrive Mayhem [Semi-Blind]
Saving the scared man from rogue Shinra weapons. It takes a few
attempts. Been in a rough mood of late, so apologies for some of my
disproportionate frustration.’

Wednesday, September 16, 2020
FFVIIR - Part 27: Mog [Semi-Blind]
Summary: Meeting the moogle merchant. Hunting rogue Shinra weaponry.

Monday, September 14, 2020
FFVIIR - Part 26: Virtual Reality [Semi-Blind]
Summary: Chadley returns. Shiva. Saving some kiddos (badly) from mean smog machines and hedgehog pies.

Friday, September 11, 2020
FFXIV – Part 215: Gundam Wing
Summary: G-Warrior vs. Sapphire Weapon. The Rising 2020. Requesting your help in picking my next goal!

Thursday, September 10, 2020
FFVIIR - Part 25: Chez Aerith [Semi-Blind]
Summary: Sector 5 village. Aerith is best friends with everyone. Leaf House. Aerith's house and Elmyra.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020
FFXIV – Part 214: Back to the Source
Summary: The Scions leave the First behind. G’raha’s journey. Zenos and a new Ascian await. I love this.

FFVIIR - Part 24: Cooking Hedgehog Pie [Semi-Blind]
Summary: Rude appears. Learning Aerith's mechanics as we move through the sector 5 slum backstreets.

FFVIIR - Part 23: Aerith [Semi-Blind]
Summary: Crashing into church. The delightful Aerith Gainsborough. Reno. Walking the rooftops.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020
FFXIV – Part 213: Ascian of Light
Summary: The Fourteenth. The Heroes’ Gauntlet. The Seat of Sacrifice.

FFVIIR - Part 22: Airbusted [Semi-Blind]
Summary: My two attempts against the Airbuster. It… didn’t go great.
Warning: return of salty Coldrun.