Coldrun Gaming
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
FFXIV – Part 205: Plague [Scholar 50-60]
Summary: Exploring the voidsent mystery of the tonberry curse. HOO AH, ROYAL MARINES!
Monday, July 27, 2020
FFVIIR - Part 12: Need for Speed [Semi-Blind]
Summary: Motorcycle combat. The bizarre (and kinda endearing?) Roche. Jessie's home.
Friday, July 24, 2020
FFXIV – Part 204: The Secret of Nym [Scholar 30-50]
Summary: Teaming up with a marauder to start uncovering the mystery of the tonberries.
Thursday, July 23, 2020
FFVIIR - Part 11: Lord of the Dart Board [Semi-Blind]
Summary: Bartender Tifa. Shut out from Avalanche's next mission. A gang is after Barrett. Jessie's got a job. [No fan this ti...
FFVIIR - Part 10: Shushing a Talker [Semi-Blind]
Summary: Wrapping up the chapter 3 sidequests. "Freeing" Johnny from Shinra.
FFVIIR - Part 9: Rabid Dog [Semi-Blind]
Summary: Stepping up my assessment game. Dealing with a Shinra-enhanced stray pup in the Scrapyard.
FFVIIR – Part 8: Doomed by Rats [Semi-Blind]
Summary: Knocking out some side-quests, and getting knocked out by others. Cats, rats, drakes.
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