Friday, September 9, 2016

Coldrun Fitness - 9/9/16

One of the lessons I keep having to learn through this process is to not just try wiping the slate clean.
Lower pressure on me tends to get better results.  Just do what I can each day, make some progress.

Eat a bit less, 2,300-2,600 calories.  Exercise through Pokemon Go walks and biking.  Maybe fencing, if I find the courage.

Head down.  Stay calm.  Low pressure.  Set a low bar, and surprise myself sometimes.


Food Log
  • Roast beef and cheddar sub from Potbelly's. (480 cal)
  • Decaf mocha frappuccino light. (110 cal)
  • Chips. (220 cal)
  • Chipotle burrito bowl. (900 cal)
  • Mr. Goodbar. (250 cal)
  • Eggo waffle. (100 cal)
Total calories: 2,060