Hello, and welcome to Coldrun Gaming! This is currently the home of my personal project: playing through the Final Fantasy series (mostly unspoiled).
My current project is a (mostly) blind and unspoiled playthrough of the Final Fantasy series. As a wee kid-dah-doo, I watched my brother play FFIV on SNES and play it myself some, and loved it. But that's about it. I'm starting out now with FFI, and going as far as I can through FFXIV (later edit: FFXV, since that now has come out), writing as I go.
It's hard to overemphasize this, so I'll just capslock it up here:
PLEASE NO SPOILERS. NOT EVEN EXPECTATION SPOILERS. (e.g. "Wait until you get to reach x/y/z part of the game, you'll be super surprised!" = bad.)
Occasionally, in my posts and in the comments, you'll see what looks like gibberish. For example: "Qba'g evqr va gur euhoneo!" This is a way to talk about something without spoiling it, a rotation cypher. Use rot13.com to translate, and if you're about to comment on something I haven't played yet, PLEASE use rot13.com to cypher it.
Anyway! Most of my posts will go up as I play on the wonderful markspoils.blogspot.com, in the Geekly Weekly Funtimes comment thread. To be clear, I have no official affiliation with that site or any Mark Does Stuff site; I'm just a member of its community. At least every Sunday (and usually sooner than that), I'll upload the prior week's posts onto this site, so it may serve as an archive of sorts.
Thanks for reading, and enjoy!
Jan 8, 2020 edit: I also started a fitness blog a coldrunfit.blogspot.com, but note that this is NOT body-positive and contains discussion of food, weight, and exercise.
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If you're commenting on the Final Fantasy playthrough, DO NOT INCLUDE ANY SPOILERS. This includes any hints or references or teasers for content beyond where I have played. Thank you.