Wednesday, July 2, 2014

FFI - Part 3

And completed it!

This was an (unintentional) binge to get this series started. I was procrastinating something for school, excited to start, and the game absolutely sucked me in more than I expected.

Plus: it was cathartic.

Weird, right? But this game has been hanging over me since I was like seven years old. Failed early, gave up, and let t slide. My life is in kind of a bad, broke, lonely place at the moment, and I rarely follow-through on plans, desire for change, anything. I'm still giving up, just like I did then (though I of course don't blame my seven year old self - the interface and explanation was really not well-done iirc, and that shit was tough!).

I sometimes wonder whether I can use something I'm passionate about - gaming - to kick off wider change. Like, maybe if I can follow-through on this, I can follow-through on my other goals. Gaming can help me build a life instead of destroying it.


On a less personal note, some thoughts on the game itself:

-Did the ending confuse anyone else?

I get that some kink in the elemental powers sent Garland back in time, where he sent the Fiends forward to send him back to send the Fiends to... Fine. Weird, but fine. But when did Garland become Chaos? Was he Chaos all along, or did he go back in time so often that he became a monster or am I entirely misreading this?

-The Chaos fight was really tough and really fun. My black wizard was pretty ineffective, and the knight and ninja were okay but nothing special. The white wizard though - she was the real champion. Her "Holy" spell did the most damage, but most of her mana was spent keeping my party alive.

-Chaos' spell effects were phenomenal. Tsunami was my favorite, but Cyclone (a lightning-filled twister spinning my party around and spitting them out) was great too.

Sunken Shrine was beautiful, with my favorite music of the game.

-Tiamat (lol at seeing her here in FFI today and the MW SPN on Monday) was fun. And the whole cloud castle thing was awesome! Great music, atmosphere, and was easy to follow. I didn't get lost the way I did in the fire volcano.

-The Shrine of Chaos skirted the line between boring and epic. I like the four floors each with enemies from a different element with the redux boss fights at the end of each, but it was just so densely packed! My party one-shotted most of them, except those FUCKING DARK WIZARDS AND THEIR POISON. Plus, there was like no treasure or stuff to find, so exploration felt punitive rather than exciting.


And that's FF1!

I plan to go more moderately here on out. One post every couple of days with some notes on what I've been doing, fun/funny/frustrating stuff that happened, etc. The plan is to go from here through FFX and FFX-2.

(Are those PS2 games easily available on emulators? I haven't tried emulating anything past SNES, so not sure how common/good those are.)

I'll also be starting up FFXIV at some point, probably midway through, as a double-play of whatever single-player game I'm at in the series and XIV. I know very little about it, and so that'll be pretty fresh too!

So.... yeah. Woo hoo! Yay for Final Fantasy!

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