Wednesday, July 2, 2014
I imagine I'll be using that title format again. This was TOUGH! Unlike last time where the conditions (darkness and poison) were the sticking points, here it was just mobs hitting for truckloads of damage.
Deist Caverns DIAF List
Hill Gigas (in pairs)
Chimeras (the boss)
And when they ambushed me? Ow.
Storywise: Fought off an awesome pirate, Leila, who joined me. We went to Deist island in our boat, where the Empire had poisoned the wyverns.
dammit empire (
Went to Deist Cavern, explored it, flipped tables in rage, and got a Pendant that let me speak the Wyvern language. Went back to Deist Castle, spoke to the last living wyvern who gave me her egg. *bow chicka wow wow* Took the egg to a spring in the bottom of Deist Cavern and dropped it there to hatch, hopefully becoming an awesome mount or ally for me later in the game.
That's where I left off. Next time: um... dunno? Back to Altair to check in with Hilda I guess.
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