Wednesday, July 2, 2014

FFII – Part 9: Village of the Damned

Machanon is a pretty cool city, and a welcome break from the ordeal in the caves. It both confuses me more and rules things out. It rules out that this is hell, because Cid’s right – there are innocent children running around here! I know kids can be assholes just like anyone else, but come on. Plus, the music’s all peaceful. I also don’t remember a town between the Jade Passage and Pandemonium.

The premise of the town really got me wondering. How did they create this town? I suppose even Dante started by getting lost in a wood, so… maybe they chopped down the Wood of Confusion to create a town… Or maybe it’s like “What Dreams May Come,” where their will and imagination creates it!

The townsfolk said people got dragged off by monsters and eaten. If there’s no death after death, then are they doomed to being eternal monster snacks? Sorry for continuing to harp on this point, but the idea of eternal torment – heck, the idea of eternal anything other than sleep/unconsciousness/true peace – horrifies me.

Got some potions, ether, and a few anti-effect things. Nobody in the town knows wtf is happening, even Cid, but there are three places to go: the cave, the “Unknown Palace” that seems like the mirror image of Pandemonium, and… the Ultima room?


Is that the real Ultima room? Can’t be. Minwu had broken the seal. Some special zombie version? Maybe.

I went here first. No enemies, but some nice boosts, and a boss fight where we actually kill the embodiment of the Ultima spell. Very tough fight! Lots of HP, lots of damage, but even nastier he used spells intelligently. When one of my guys died and I brought him back to life, Ultima cast flare on that guy first, killing him again quickly. Poor Maria must have died like six times before my slow self caught on.

After I won, my chutzpah rating was through the roof, so I decided to try the next place, the Unknown Palace.

Yeah. NOT READY. A group of Bloodbones, Lil’ Murderers (LOL), and Mini Satana (LOL) stomped my ass without a problem. Even the Lil’ Murderers tricked me by use of the goblin model which made me think I could one-shot them. Not so much.

Spent the rest of my session grinding up cash, hp, mp, and some basic spell levels in the cave. Also got the spells from a vendor I stumbled across hidden inside a waterfall in the cave. I thought the afterlife was rough for my guys fighting through way more powerful monsters, but that sounds better than being drenched and damned to eternal retail tbh.


Next time: push as far as I can through the Unknown Palace.

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