Friday, July 25, 2014

FFIV After Years – Part 34: The Enemy Within (Kain’s Tale)

Summary: Kain brings Rosa into Baron Castle, and Ceodore, Hooded Man, and Cid fight their way to them. When they meet up, we learn that I was an unobservant dunkus for not seeing before that Hooded Man is Kain, the version that lost the mirror match. He subdues the “Kain” that abducted Rosa and the crystals, and re-incorporates that version into himself. Oh, and he also BECOMES A PALADIN. The full party moves into the throne room to confront Evil Moon Cecil and Evil Moon Girl. END OF TALE.


Baron Castle

-Boss music is running during all of this even without combat.

-Kain dragging Rosa to the throne room.

-Ceodore, HM, Cid, Edward chasing. (This whole scene is done really well, and my adrenaline was pumping.)

-Edward will stay guarding the ship lol

-Ceodore/HM/Cid fight their way to the throne room, and ALL the infantry are now zombies.

-Kain, as he charges on with Rosa: “Finally I will be released from this hell!” This is some intense shit. I didn’t know the depth of his anger and jealousy, but simultaneously it definitely feels in character.

-Kain and HM meet. They know each other, as I expected.




-How did I not possibly see this before.

-Hooded Man must be the part of Kain that lost the mirror match. I’m hesitant to call him the “good side,” because I get the sense it’s more complex than this.

-They fight. As the fight goes on, HM starts to incorporate parts of Kain, getting his lance instead of the sword, and gaining the ability to jump. And his “victory” wasn’t a matter of defeating an enemy, but accepting his past failings.



HM: “I’m not here to deny your right to exist.”
KAIN?: “Yaaargh!” [falls dead]

I mean, I get that Hooded Man is incorporating Kain into himself as he says this, and that Id!Kain will become a part of Whole!Kain going forward, but still struck me as funny.

-Woo! Rosa and the good guys got back the three crystals Id!Kain was holding. Of course, Evil Moon Girl is like one room over, so my joy is less than full.

-Again, the voice from Mount Ordeals. “Please… my sons…” MY SONS??? Huh? Nobody in the room shares the same father as far as I know. Confused again.

[EDIT: It hit me that two people do share the same father at this point: Kain and id!Kain. But as far as I know, Kluya is not Kain's father. Even knowing that the Ricard-Kain father-son canon from FFII is not canon in the FFIV world, I still seem to remember Kain's father never being a mystery, just some dragoon, but I could be wrong and accidentally mixing FFII with FFIV. We'll see. Still confused.]

-PALADIN KAIN!?!?!?!?!

My sentiments exactly, Kain.

-I still don’t get the “my sons” part, though. Kain isn’t KluYa’s son I don’t think, but maybe by virtue of now being (sort of?) a paladin, he’s become like a son to KluYa.

-The full party moves into the throne room, where Evil Moon Cecil and EMG are waiting.



Next time: something? I really thought the game would end with Kain’s Tale. I have no idea what comes next, as this was the last Tale available for selection when I checked.

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