Wednesday, July 2, 2014

FFIV – Part 11: Cave of Dash-of-Fun, Gallon-of-Boring – Part One

This must be new material – I have no memory of it from the original FF.

On the surface, this is a really cool idea. I get to revisit old party members and reuse them! I still think the idea of Palom and Porom returning to life really cheapens that sacrifice in the story, but I’ll deal. I was sure that my standard party – Kain, Cecil, Edge, Rosa, Rydia – would be my final party, but Mysidia and the Cave of Trials suggest some flexibility.

So why does the cave itself have to be so boring?

The ending fights are pretty fun. My favorite is the Flan Chef and her Pudding Pop bodyguards. Not overwhelmingly tough, but fun. The six frigging floors of trash? Not fun. Especially Marlboros and Mini Satanas.

It’s not just that the cave itself is nothing new, it’s that I kept having to walk through it. The first time I didn’t know I couldn’t do cool trial stuff without swapping party members, so I ran through it with my normal party, then COULDN’T EVEN TELEPORT OUT. WHY. So ran out.

Swapped in four members – everyone except Edward – and then ran it again. Did the bosses I could, ran out.

Just seems so poorly designed and overly grindy just for some weapons. Was really hoping there’d be some advancement of each individual character’s story. Disappointed.

Next time, I’ll finishing running out, swap in Edward, run back in, then run out again. My eyes are glazing over just thinking about it.

Sorry for the negativity.

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