Wednesday, August 13, 2014

FFIV After Years – Part 48: Can’t Spell ‘Friend’ Without ‘Fiend’ (The Crystals)

Summary: The next floors of the Lunar Subterrane are the lairs of the crystals for the fiends of water, air, and fire, and have element-appropriate themes. With Golbez in the party, the fights end up being like painful (emotionally and physical) goodbyes more than anything else. RIP, fiends. I would have enjoyed seeing you in an uncorrupted form.



-The floor’s blue! (da-ba-dee, da-ba-die)

-This is neat. The layout, I mean.

-Mobs are reskins from the waterway to Damcyan. Fish and EVIL snails.

-Wish I could change from this full moon.

-Night. Luca & Cid. Luca thinks this moon was created by someone as a spaceship. Hm. She’s a bit freaked by the whole thing, and Cid is encouraging.

Always happy to see more of this relationship.

-Another crystal. Cagnazzo, as expected. Golbez calls him “The Drowned King,” a pretty cool title. I wonder if he’s somewhere in the same hierarchy as Leviathan normally, or totally separate.

-Oh, and he hits HARD.

-After defeat, Cagnazzo tells Golbez what an honor it was to see him again. He’s sincere, and the love and respect between the two is clear. I love seeing this side of the Golbez/fiend relationships.

”See you in hell” never sounded so friendly.



-Greenish-yellow floor. Wind I guess.

-I see a tornado. Barbariccia?

-No… maybe just for decoration.

-Thunderbird mobs retaliate with “Electromagnetism,” an un-Esurable “Stop.”

-Boss fight: Green Dragon! Randomly. His “Lightning,” much like “Lightning” from past games, notably FFIII, is a nightmare.

-Still not sure what all these little tornados are for. Maybe if I had Kain in my party he’d interact with them in some way.

-Another green dragon? Youch. Well, great experience anyway, even if very hard on my mana.

-Night. Edward playing his harp. Harley pops by, asking for a song. Edward’s thinking of giving up the harp, because his heart is too disturbed to create music. Very… emo. He hasn’t come to terms with his past, but Harley relates how much his music has helped her come to terms with her past and keep going.

-Next crystal. Air floor, so it’s Barbariccia.

One of my favorite enemy models.

-The first time we met, Kain could just jump on her tornado-form to stop it. This is way tougher. Her retaliation and petrification is really brutal on our party.

-Weird. She’s weak to thunder spells. Rinse, repeat.

-I’ve said it before, and can’t overstate how wonderful it is to get a glimpse into these relationships.



-Firelands next. Red floor hue.

-Mini-Satanas galore! Wheee!

-Weird set-up here. Like, a mini-labyrinth of short caverns or tunnels.

-Night. Yang & Edge. Each compliments Ceodore, and Edge praises Ursula to Yang’s discomfort. Yang flips the discomfort around, asking if Edge will have an heir. Edge’s all, “what are you, my mother/Seneschal?” Edge thinks he’s too young, and Yang thinks he’s being a bit selfish not leaving an heir for the kingdom. I lean towards siding with Edge here, but can definitely understand where Yang is coming from.

New band: “Oboro Strike Band”

-Rubicante time at the next crystal. Will he bring up helping Edge at Eblan, confirming it was actually him?

-Hm! An option to fight with Edge alone? Yes please.

-As with earlier fights, Rubicante seems confused to be here more than anything else.

-Rubicante: “Strike me down. Now!”

-IT WAS RUBICANTE IN EBLAN! “Heh… so you’ve found it… your true inner strength.”

Support from unexpected places.

-The use of the fiends as essentially neutral forces of nature reminds me of FFIII using the World of Darkness not as a land of evil, but just as one side of the coin.

-Bye, Rubicante. I regret that we had to meet this way. We are of a kind. In a different reality, I could have called you friend.


Next time: Not sure. Maybe more old bosses. If we see Demon Wall again, for what would likely be the fifth time or so, I’m going to throw things.

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