Monday, August 18, 2014

FFIV After Years – Part 53: Dark Side of the Moon (The Crystals)

Summary: We reach the Final Fantasy III section of the Depths. The crystals (dark crystals, of course) each erupt at our approach with a boss we last saw in the FFIII Dark World.


Depths – B10

-Coeurl Regina = the worst.

-As I write that, it occurs to me how many mobs I’ve called “the worst.” Don’t care. They’re all the worst.


Depths – B11

-How far will this go? The standard 12? Has to be more if they’re gonna do FFIII bosses soon.

-NOOO!!! Return of “Death Masks,” who cast reflect on themselves, cast reflect on all of my party, and then use Holy and Flare on themselves. Urk.


Depths – B12

-This time, a “dark” crystal, but one Luca recognizes as altogether different from the dark crystals of the underworld. I smell it! Here it comes!


-First up: Ahriman.

Creepy model, nasty boss.

-Adrenaline pumping fight with a unique mechanic. He casts Doom on everyone to give us 10 ticks before death, and then just casts Haste over and over. Took me a death before I learned that he doesn’t do any damage, so just worried about keeping a couple of people alive and attacking.

-Dark crystal #2: Echidna. Nice and original model.

Like a cross between a zucchini, a stalactite, and a vampire.

-She cast quake a lot. (lulz she's a Quake-r.) Float helps. Thanks, Rosa.

-Actually, this is my third game fighting her. She was in FFIII, and in the Earth Gift Shrine of FFI. I didn’t kill her there, but definitely saw her there. I hope she doesn’t keep coming back.

-Third crystal: Twinhead Dragon. Also from Earth Gift Shrine.

-Retaliates with x-aga plus a hard melee attack. Makes sense, given that it has two heads for retaliation.

-Tough fight. All these revisited fights are tough, to be honest.

-Fourth crystal. Only one left, but as I stand here in front of it, I can’t remember who it’ll be.

-Oh, right.

Who's a good dog? Spot is! Yes, he is. (If you get this reference, you get a pile of cookies.)

-Yup. Cerberus. Not a hugely tough fight. He casts three x-agas at a time and melees. It sounds worse than it is, because each x-aga spell is significantly weaker than you might expect.

-Rest time. Kain and Cecil. I really hate them blaming themselves for their actions when mind-controlled. You know why? BECAUSE THEY WERE MIND-CONTROLLED. It’s not their fault.

This is something that bothers me in a lot of different kinds of fictional settings. Like, when re-ensouled vampires in “Buffy” feel guilty for their actions as a vampire, it pisses me off because their ability to consent and decide to act well was at best decimated, and at worst destroyed.

Still, their friendship is cool, and a breath of fresh air after being at odds for such a huge percentage of FFIV, from the base game through deep into The After Years.


Next time: don’t know. We beat the FFI, II, and III bosses, as well as the rehashes of many FFIV bosses earlier in the Lunar Depths. Hopefully onto some actual final boss now. I WANT TO KNOW WHY THINGS ARE HAPPENING.

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