Tuesday, August 19, 2014

FFIV After Years – Part 54: Gilgamesh (The Crystals)

Summary: Further in the depths, the bosses are really new, really hard, and really, really weird. The strangest Final Fantasy boss yet in Gilgamesh, a super robot named Omega, and a crystalline beast called Nova Dragon that flat out defeats me. I lose. I do not beat it. This is a first. Further down, we go through “Twisted Space,” and fight what is probably a gate to Yog-Sothoth and his buddies. We beat the gate, Atomos, and move on.


Depths – B13

-Dragon central down here. Fiend Dragons, Crystal Dragons, you name it.

-OH GOD, DUKE MALBORO. If we keep going up the Malboro hierarchy to their royalty and their gods, I’m quitting.

-Chimera Geist. OW.

-How to Rosa and Cecil not have a Band attack?


Depths – B14

-The unassuming Catoblepas came back from prior FFs to haunt me. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like a bull with tiny wings anymore.

-Another crystal? Are we now moving onto bosses, like Chaos and Dark Cloud?

-“Gilgamesh”? WTF? Like, the guy from the Babylonian (or some ancient near east) epic?

I repeat: wtf

-He’s dressed like a knight with a clown’s fashion sense. This is weird as hell.

-“This is all my fault. My stomach was hurting.” IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT MY BRAIN IS HURTING. WHO ARE YOU

-“I can’t reach my full power… just kidding!” SERIOUSLY WTF WTF

-Then he fired lasers at me. The Babylonian clown knight just fired lasers at me.

-So far past the point of normal human confusion.

-His dying word: “Bartz?” I have to imagine this is either referencing a future Final Fantasy or the ancient epic, which I haven't read. My money’s on another Final Fantasy, since “Bartz” doesn’t really sound like an ancient word/name.

-He drops a weapon, that given the name and the difficulty of the fight, I expected to be awesome. Maybe some kind of super Excaliber!

I should’ve seen the “poor” in the name. It sucks.

-The party members all kind of like him for some reason.

-Rest. Ceodore and Kain. Kain can relate to Ceodore’s issues with his family/father.

-Aw. Rosa thanks Kain for helping out.

-Monster in a box: “Nova Dragon.” Very cool sprite!

Like a spiny, crystal, seahorse-dragon-thing. I especially like the bony ribcage.

-Less cool: how it ONE SHOTS my entire party with Tidal Wave before I can do anything.

-Four more attempts, and I get one shot each time before I can act.

-Yeah, I give up. May you live a long and peaceful life, Nova Dragon.

-Backtracking before moving on, since I skipped a bunch of rooms and treasure chests.

-Back to Depths – B13 for missed paths and chests.

-Big place.


A wandering robot sprite.


Perhaps Evil Moon Girl’s robot puppy. Kind of cute.

-Ow. Many, many, many deaths.

-It’s weak to lightning!

-Edge’s Blitz hits well, and Lightning Brain Buster band attack between Rydia and Luca helps.

-More deaths.


-Not really, but finally beat Omega.

-Moving on.

-Ok, I reached a lost woods-style maze, but eventually found a door unlike the others out of here. A glowy cave door.


Depths – Twisted Space

-No random encounters here.


-Another crystal…

What could well be the unholy god worshipped by Trap Doors in the Sealed Cave.

-Atomos. A purple hookah-door that looks like something straight out of Lovecraft.

-Immediate meteor.

-Lightning Brain Buster works wonders.

-Meteor is its ONLY ATTACK.

-And… it dies. Not as bad as I would’ve expected, since the Meteors didn’t come that quickly.

-Totally not ashamed to run from the Proto-Death Masks I encounter. Those are scary beasts.


Next time: Continue out of Twisted Space further into the Depths. Perhaps more monsters that mean little to me without having played future FF games, that will blow my mind in a variety of ways.

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