Monday, August 25, 2014

FFV – Part 1: Wheee!

Summary: The introduction to the game’s story, as well as its tone. The story seems like it’s going to be about pretty classic FF-style – crystals are in trouble, must be Tuesday. But I think that crystals are basically a MacGuffin. The games are more important and memorable for their characters, style, tone, and this one sets itself apart with its initial lightness. 



-We start out with the general game introduction, the one you get even before you pick a new game. The feel and the music is just so… I dunno, jaunty? Bouncy? 

-We see a crystal on a bed of turquoise pasta! 

Spoilers: it’s probably not pasta. 

The crystals are going to be big in this game. HI CREATOR AND MAENADS I SEE YOU LURKING. It’ll be elemental crystals specifically, that grant wisdom and peace. 

-FAST montage. Cliffside, a chocobo and a dude. Castle, with a pink-haired woman AND A DRAGON? Bearded dude in a cave! Pirates! 

-Apparently, “crystals hide secrets.” I know your secrets, crystals. Unless you hold other secrets in addition to the ones I just spent FFIV:TAY learning about. In which case your secrets are still secret. 

-An asteroid falls. 


Post-Game Creation Intro 

-Dawn. A castle. Peaceful music. 

-And a dragon. Being woken by the pink-haired girl Lenna and her dad with the unfortunate title/name of “King Tycoon.” Is he evil? 

-Oh, nm. He’s riding the dragon. He must be a dragoon. He senses something wrong in the wind and leaves to investigate. This castle looks high. 

King Tycoon leaving Lenna to investigate. 


Pirate Ship 


-“Faris,” the lead pirate possibly (another pink-haired woman), senses something wrong. 



-Beardy McBeardson, over a magical whatsit: “I’ve got to hurry!” 



-Back to Lenna and the castle. 

-The wind stopped. Uh-oh. 


Pasta Crystal Cave 

-King Tycoon visits the crystal from the intro. It seems wrong. It shatters! 



-Person (male?) and chocobo. An earthquake hits. 

-A meteor falls to earth. If it’s carrying an invading Maenad, I may well throw something. 



-Now I have control of the chocobo (and presumably the dude) for the first time. 

-Ok. My character doesn’t have a name. His class is “Freelancer.” That was the starting job in FFIII, no? 

-Hemmed in by mountains and water after exploring on the chocobo. Only one place to go: “Tycoon Meteorite.” I guess King Tycoon is a title on both ends, with Tycoon as the nation/area. 


Tycoon Meteorite 

-The chocobo is named Boko! Awww! I instantly like this guy. Boko’s staying behind as the guy goes to explore. 

-Some goblins try to carry off a pink-haired girl. Lenna? 

-REALLY hyper and jittery combat music. 

-Yes, it was Lenna. 


-HIS NAME IS BARTZ. The guy that Gilgamesh referred to as he died in the Depths. I’m guessing two things: Gilgamesh is in this game, and Gilgamesh will be a side character rather than a main evildoer or main boss. Our main bosses have been… I dunno, serious-face and kind of grim. Chaos, the Emperor, the Dark Cloud, Zeromus, the Creator. Not sure Gilgamesh fits the FF big bad tone. Probably a mini-boss though at some point. 

-Bartz seems to be just kind of a wanderer. Lenna’s portrait makes her looks really young, like 14-15, but it’s hard to tell. 

-They heard a voice: “help… me…” They join up to search. Lenna’s a Freelancer too. 

-It’s the “Old Man,” from the cave! He says he has to hurry. He too got knocked out. 

-Hee. He said “Sakes alive.” I like him. 

-His name is Galuf. My inclination is to pronounce this like “Gallop,” with an f instead of a p. 

-Other than his name, he has amnesia. >.> That’s convenient. 

-Lenna’s off to the Wind Shrine. Galuf remembers he was on his way there too. And it’s a party! 

-Wow. Bartz actually isn’t joining them. That really does surprise me. 


-Again, LOL. Galuf: “Godspeed, and all that whatnot!” Maybe you’re not so bad. 

-Back to Boko. Off and away! 



-lol. Boko threw off Bartz. Smart chocobo I imagine. 


You make a persuasive argument. 

This is gonna be like a Han Solo/Chewbacca relationship in a way, right? Totally down with that. 

-Earthquake strikes! Off to help Lenna and Galuf. Fought off goblins, who are just as one-shottable as in prior games, and picked up the unconscious bodies of Lenna and Galuf. 

-The Wind Shrine (which I’m thankful I don’t have to keep calling the Crystal Pasta Cave) is in Tule. 

-Bartz joins up! It was his dad’s dying wish that he travel the world. That’s kind of a unique dying wish. “And the wind is calling me…” he says. 

-LOLOL Galuf 

I hope he sticks around to troll the shit out of Bartz. 

-And WE’RE OFF!!!!! 

-This game already feels SO much different from FFIV. That started out all dramatic, with something rotten in the state of Baron. Corruption, murder of innocents, a military leader whose orders from the one he considers as a father are to steal and acquire power for reasons unknown. 



Next time: Towards the Wind Shrine of Tule.

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