Wednesday, September 10, 2014

FFV – Part 17: Low and High

Summary: We chase something that looks like King Tycoon in the town, but it leads us to a trap door. Beneath the town now. A portal there zaps us to Crescent Isle. The ancient Ronkan empire trolls us hard there, and we meet up with Cid and Mid on an airship that we yoink for ourselves.


Gohn, the Town of Ruin

-The town is as its name indicates: a ruin. It’s not just empty, but also overrun by vines/growth with its buildings broken. What happened here?

-Is that King Tycoon wandering around? Why is he hiding from us?

*Navi mode engaged* “Hey, King! Listen!”

-He keeps running away whenever we catch sight of him. This smells like trouble.

-Cornered him in a building. Faris: “Papa!” I was right about a thing! Huzzah for Coldrun!

-Unfortunately, I was right about two things. As we walk towards “King Tycoon,” a trap door opens and we fall into the subterrane of the ruins.


Subterrane of Gohn

-Bartz, Faris, and Lenna fall in one room, and Galuf falls into a separate room.

-Lenna’s still kind of reeling from having her suspicions pleasantly confirmed.


-Is this gonna be a split scenario, like Palom and Porom’s trial in the Lunar Ruins of FFIV?

-Bartz tells the ladies that they should push on, that they’ll eventually run into Galuf. “He’ll be okay. He’s a tough old cuss!”

Galuf overhears, and in a huff he finds a way around the architecture, under the floor, around the walls, nimble as a monkey, and pops up next to party.


-The music down here is really, really eerie, and really, really wonderful.

-what the hell

-what is this place

-This looks like a factory in here, with whirring gears as far as I can see…

-It’s porting us! We get a view of the overworld map, as if we’re traveling underwater or in particle form across the entire frigging world!

-The platform we land on is the same as the one we arrived on, very tech-y. It gets pulsed with currents of electricity, and starts to collapse, but we escape in time.



-The chocobo returns to its forest home, ridden by Cid and Mid. Why are we seeing this?



-Back to our heroes. I have no idea where we are now, where we got ported to exactly.

-The warp device overloaded. This is so weird. It feels like Star Trek Meets Final Fantasy.

-We appear to be in some high-tech library/lab/workshop place. No random encoutners, and there are even beds for us to rest in here.

-There are a few treasure chests trapped behind a wall. There’s a panel nearby, but when we try to push it, it won’t budge. We see a carving on the panel that tells us to check the planter in the next room.

We check the planter, and a note says to theck the notepad in the room over. We check the notepad, and the note says, “Made ya look! Neener-neener!” BARTZ GETS SO ANNOYED LOLOL

-Faris replies to Bartz’s rage with a healthy dose of pirate sass.

-Sure enough, there’s another note below this taunt, telling us to “check the urn.” We do. A frog hops out, opens a book, and runs away. The book says: “Down 6, right 4, pull.”

-It leads us to the panel we started out. I’M SO CONFUSED

-Oh. This time, the panel works. Is this all pranks from the past, or is someone alive and currently fucking with me? In either case, the wall now opens, andwe look two shurikens and the spell “Mini” for our trouble.

-Moving on. A different room. We pull a switch, and flash to Cid and Mid in the Chocobo Forest. The ground beneath their feet opens! WE ARE BELOW THE CRESCENT ISLE!!!! Not sure where they landed, but this solves the mystery of why the artifacts on Crescent Isle are the same as artifacts from the Ronkan ruins near Jachol.
These ruins must be Ronkan too.

-The next room over, we see the fire-powered ship, sitting there in dock. Is someone collecting ships?

-Next ship over has propellers! Airship time. Cid and Mid are delighted.

They get the ship working, and we’re up in the air.

-Something tries to drag us back down. Bartz: “Creeping crawdads!” I have to use that exclamation sometime this week. It’s a lobstrosity of some kind, “Cray Claw.” It gets off a few massive hits, but we win.

Awesome Banter #714:

Cid: “Ha! That overgrown lobster just got served!”
Bartz: “With cheese biscuits AND mashed potatoes!”

Anyone else hungry for Red Lobster biscuits now?

-Cid and Mid will stay behind to research the earth crystal. The rest of us will explore in the airship.


Next time: airship funtimes.

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