Wednesday, September 17, 2014

FFV – Part 23: Prepare for Launch

Summary: The party changes their mind, and attempts to cross into Galuf’s world. Cid and Mid (who ran and hid) help them get the meteorites calibrated. The portal opens, and the party jumps through.

World Map

-My first inclination is to head back into the meteor, but first I want to check on Boko.

-As I move to land near the pirate hideout, we get a cutscene where Lenna and Faris say they actually do want to help Galuf’s world. Bartz is on board! I guess my question of where the game would go got answered pretty quickly, and feel kind of silly for thinking we wouldn’t see Galuf/Krile for a long time if at all.

All for one, and one for all.

I really like that the main reason they’re going to Galuf’s world isn’t because the world needs saving (though it does), or because Exdeath will likely cause massive damage (though he will). It’s because Galuf is their friend.

-Trying new jobs a bit in random encounters.

-WHAT. The Samurai ability “Zeninage” does SO MUCH DAMAGE. Like, six times what most abilities do. And it does it to the whole group. Is this a bug? How is this balanced?

-Boko’s still resting. I guess he won’t be planet-hopping with us.

-Off to Catapult for Cid and Mid’s help with travel.


Another Frigging Ediition of “Where’s Cid?”

This. Sucked.

Big time. I hate just randomly wandering around a game hoping to stumble on what comes next.

-Checked Catapult. No sightings of Cid and Mid. They’re not near the ship, and they’re notin the library room area.

-Checked Castle Tycoon. We actually get a little cutscene of Lenna and Faris that night remembering their father, but that’s it. Just some flavor text it seems.

Also, a flashback of Sarisa FREAKING THE FUCK OUT as her dad offers her the chance to ride Hiryu. She’s afraid. As soon as her dad lets her stay earthbound and takes off himself, Sarisa calls out that she actually wants to fly. LOL

-Checked Lix. We met a green-haired woman who wants Bartz to visit her when he is done with his travels (interesting! Some Samwise/Rose dynamic?), but that’s it.

I’m pretty sure she’s talking to Bartz rather than Faris.

-Checked the Library of the Ancients. Nothing.

-Checked Karnak.

-Checked Walse.

-Checked the Desert of Shifting Sands.


-Checked Istory. Nothing.

-Tried landing on Istory Falls. Nothing. NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING DAMMIT

-On double and triple checking the more likely places, I eventually wound my way back to Catapult and found a note on the table in the library. Really, game?

-It says that they went to the the Tycoon Meteorite.


Tycoon Meteorite

-Black chocobo is outside.

-The adamantite is dangerous and volatile. Uh-oh. Cid throws it in the portal.

-Apparently, we’ll need to use adamantite in all the meteorites to power our way to Galuf’s world.


Gohn Meteorite

-Manticore attack! Zeninage makes short work of it.


Karnak Meteorite

-The place is full of monsters now. Of course it is. When in doubt, just add monsters.


Hey, bud! How’s Rydia doing?

We beat him and got him as a summon.

-The eidolons in this game seem more like random monsters and less like gods or forces of nature.


Walse Meteorite

-Cool. No monsters this time.


-Again, bless Zeninage for wiping them out, but it feels a bit like cheating.


-That graphic.

-Oh shit.

-Yeah, I’ve seen Zeninage’s look before. In FFIV: The After Years. From Harley. Except in that game, it was called “Gil Toss.” Using the ability spends gil.

-I confirmed this by finding out I had lost 15k gil since using the Samurai job. LOL. Gotta be careful about this.

-There’s a confluence point of energy emitted now from the meteorites. We head there, and a warp has opened.

-We jump into the portal.

I hope Faris gets to see her pirate crew again some day.

Let’s see what’s over the rainbow. SO EXCITED.


Next time: Galuf’s world.

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