Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Nerd Fitness Academy – Fitness for Beginners: Part 2

#3: Customize Your Cooldown

So static stretching, while not so great to start with, is good for cooldown.  Flexibility gets tougher and tougher to maintain, and I know personally that I was never the most flexible of humans.

There’s a specific cooldown set that NFA provides, and it’s LONG.  (22 steps.)

The quest here:

-Review the cooldown steps.  DONE!
-Practice each stretch.  DONE!
-Modify any stretches needed.  A core part of the stretch is the Downward Dog position, and this is really hard for me.  However, my modification of it is to keep trying it, but it ends up less of a sharp “V” and more of a dented line.  DONE!
-Log your modified cooldown someplace accessible.  I’ve saved the PDF “cheat sheet” on my computer, and will probably print out a copy of it tomorrow as an extra.  DONE!

#4: Complete the Recruit Workout

…actually, it’s late, and I’m tired.  I’ll do this tomorrow.  Going to get to sleep shortly.

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