The Forgotten Capital
-Immediately, Cloud gets a mind-link vision of Sephiroth heading north. Not a promising start.
-Holy CRAP! The squirrels attacked again, and cast *Level 4 S*****e” on me (really, game? That’s the spell name you went with?). Destroyed Cloud. And then with a barrage of Sewer, Magma, and Tunnel spells nearly killed my whole party.
Corel Valley Cave
-Pretty cool ladder system in here, where I have to hop climb different cracks in the cave to reach all the chests. Fun little mini-game.
-Fortunately, no more squirrels.
Icicle Area
-I swap Red in for Barrett.
-…one of the monsters that attacks us on the snowy plains is a rabbit. A cute, bouncing rabbit. Holding a carrot. Called “Jumping.” We kill it quick before it can summon Bahamut on us or whatever horrific spell it would cast.

-We come to some houses.
The Icicle Inn
-Some pretty chill music.
[later edit: No pun initially intended, but I’ll take it!]
-Bought some weapon upgrades.
-There’s a laboratory in town, but nobody home.
-There’s a steep grade past here.
-…Yeah. It’s a snowboarding minigame. I’ll try that later.
-A kid in town has a snowboard but won’t give it to me yet.
-Two little girls are making a snowman. Chances of me having to deal with some version of that snowman as a boss fight shortly: 43%
-Some climbing dude is at the foot of Gaia’s Cliff.
-Ooh, got a map of the Great Glacier!
-There’s a Snow Woman at the Great Glacier who hates hot springs. Luckily, I got my Fire materia leveled up a bit. (I’ll bet that’s the snowman-related villain I have to face.)
-A Cetra named Ifalna (that’s Aeris’s mother, right?) used to live here.
-Time to move on.
-Hahhaha yes! Before we can get out of town, the Turks arrive.
-Or “Turk,” rather. It’s just Elena. She’s furious with Cloud, thinking he killed Tseng. She doesn’t believe him about Sephiroth, and clocks him unconscious.
-He (and the party) wake up in a house, but aren’t being guarded or anything. The Shinra guards are actually pretty nice, asking us to not fight with them because there are kids around, to just lay low while the Shinra president is in the north.
-Now the kid gives us his snowboard.
-The ride down takes over five minutes, and is pretty awful. The amount of trees we hit, igloos, moogles, snowmen…
I am become Cloud, destroyer of trees!
I’m just saying, there’s no way we don’t all have lasting bodily injury.
Everyone at the bottom of the mountain looks pretty shaken up. We had a bad time.
Next time: the Great Glacier.