Mako Cannon
-Cait Sith leads us up this structure.
-Found a new weapon for Barret, “Missing Score,” but it grants no materia growth with only smallish attack and attack % upgrades over his current “Max Ray,” so I really don’t want to use it.
-Reached Hojo, who still just refers to Cloud as “the Failure.” This fucking guy.
-Now it seems like Hojo is trying to lend Sephiroth a hand, since Sephiroth wants the energy. I’m not sure what this means. I thought Sephiroth just wanted the meteor to hit – unless Hojo means this in a “Mwahaha! Have all the energy you can handle, Sephiroth!” as he blasts him apart.
It could also mean that he’s legit trying to help him break the earth.
-“My son needs power and help… that’s the only reason.” Hojo is Sephiroth’s dad?
HOJO: “I offered the woman with my child to Professor Gast’s Jenova Project. When Sephiroth was still in her womb, we took Jenova’s cells [WHO IS JENOVA REALLY PLS TELL ME GAME]…”
You are the grossest gross ever to gross, Hojo. The worst. And now he injected himself with Jenova’s cells. Guessing he’s about to become a boss monster type, like the prior Jenova-XXXXs we’ve seen.
-Boss time.
-He starts in his human form. I think there’s a 0% chance that this form is how he’ll end the fight. Shortly after summons two weird monster things to fight by him, Bad Rap Sample and Poodler Sample (lol).
-He keeps downing capsules.
-I keep killing the adds, but he keeps respawning them, so I’ll focus on killing him instead.
I think it’s the distended and gaping maw that pushes it over the edge. Plus, he’s got this pulsing purple nodule on his bad that may well be his heart. Eeeeeeesh.
-This form is a three part fight, with “Helletic Hojo,” Left Arm, and Right Arm. Reminds me a bit of Baigan from FFIV. I killed the right arm, and he respawned it. Gonna focus on the main body.
-Defeated that form, and then his right claw detached from his body, gripped his torso, and he transformed again into a smaller floating humanoid with a long tail.
Lifeform Hojo NA.
-He attacks really quickly in this form, and inflicts many statuses like sleep, slow, poison, and darkness.
-While Barret and Cloud are asleep on the job, Tifa finishes him off. VICTORY! What a cool fight.
The Highwind
-Meteor falls in about seven days, according to Bugenhagen.
-Cait Sith confirms that Shinra’s basically done for.
-We now have a ticking clock (please not a literal one) to defeat Sephiroth, release Holy, and stop the meteor.
-Cloud tries to put the upcoming fight into perspective. They’re not just fighting to “save the Planet” in some abstract way. For Cloud, it’s about settling a feud and his past. “Saving the Planet just happens to be part of that.”
“I think we’re all fight for ourselves. For ourselves… and that someone… something… whatever it is, that’s important to us.” Sounds right.
-Barret expresses regret about blowing up the Reactor – that his “Saving the Planet” was mostly cover for the immense personal hurt he felt at Corel’s destruction. He wishes he had gone about avenging or righting that in a way that didn’t hurt bystanders and innocents.
BARRET: “But now… yeah. I’m fighting for Marlene.”
-Cloud wants everyone to get off the plane now and find their personal reason before we push onto Sephiroth. Are we about to split into a bunch of individual short stories? That’d be kind of cool. Like FFIV: The After Years. (Which I mean in a good way, though apparently everyone on the planet hates that game.)
-Everyone departs. (Though, LOL, the plane’s still flying.) Tifa remains. Why? Clearly she remains to break my heart.
-All these two really have is each other. THE SHIP CONTINUES TO SAIL.
-Cloud says that when they were in the lifestream, and he heard everyone’s anguished screams, he still heard her voice. She looks immensely pleased.
TIFA: “Deep in my heart, I thought I heard you calling my name.”
-I love that I got to see this relationship develop over the course of the game.
-They fell asleep resting on each other’s shoulders.

The night passes. The next day, they reboard the plane.
-Still just the two of them. The rest are still having their Probable Last Night on Earth to Find Meaning things.
-The plane starts moving. Oh shit.
-Nm. No “oh shit!” Everyone’s back here already.
-Everyone’s back except for Yuffie. Barret thinks she’s gone for good.
-hahahah – she then drops from the ceiling – from the sky? – right in front of Barret.
-Poor Yuffie. Airsickness is the worst.
-HOLY SHIT CID JUST DID SOME TURBODRIVE STUFF ON THE AIRSHIP! Badass cinematic of new engines and exhausts and guns and all kinds of crap popping out. It’s basically a jet rather than a prop plane now.
The plane starts to go haywire, and his engineers help him out. Cid thought he sent them home, but… they consider this plane their home. Aw.
-End of part two! I save in a couple of different places, since fellow spoilee Balthier warned me there’s some glitch stuff when part 2 ends sometimes.
Next time: part 3!
Trying to find a non-spoilery way to ask this... Have you been spoiled for the rather massive thing you missed that significantly changed something that happened in this part of the game?
ReplyDeleteI haven't. Or maybe I have and don't remember or recognize it. What's the thing? (I'm totally fine being spoiled for all things FF7 at this point, having finished my initial run through the compilation.)