Monday, November 16, 2015

FFVII Dirge of Cerberus – Part 30: Three’s a Crowd

Summary: Vincent takes on Hojo, with an assist from Nero and the actual Weiss – albeit an assist with apocalyptic consequences.

Boss Fight!

-The boss’s name is Weiss the Immaculate. I expect this is the final boss, and that he’ll have both multiple forms and phases within each form. Again, I remind myself to chill out, to be patient and do my best to learn and adapt to each form without getting angry. I usually die on final bosses, and I’ll probably die a bunch here.

-First phase. He keeps teleporting around, shooting me, and repeating. I can hit him sometimes, but he’s SUPER fast. I can barely get any shots to land or even keep track of him. The shots that do hit to minimal damage. When he gets close, he slices me for huge damage.

-I die, but no game over screen. Whew. I was supposed to lose. Perhaps a prelude to Chaos waking up.

-Quick flash to the Deepground lab. Shelke opens her eyes, calls Vincent’s name.

-Back to the reactor core. Shelke appears to Vincent, but speaking through Lucrecia’s hologram. I think those are probably Lucrecia’s thoughts and words, since Shelke has accessed her “data”/memories before.

She says he must control Chaos to have a chance.

-Vincent retains human form and brings out Chaos’s power somehow. Shadow emanates from him, Nero-style.

-Hojo charges Vincent, kicking rocks at him and slicing at him, but Vincent is in bullet-time mode.

Dodging projectiles and dodging swords.

-LOLOLOL – Hojo tries to continue his braggy villain monologue - “But even with that power, you won’t be able to stop Omega!” – and Vincent shuts him right the fuck down.


-Boss fight continues. This version is “Weiss Empowered.”

First phase: Weiss stays at range and teleports and fires a bit, but it’s not as bad as the first phase. I can run while shooting and do ok maybe. Occasionally he spins his blades and dashes at me. If I’m moving, I can slide away from getting sliced, but it’s tough.

He also shoots bolts of light from his blades along the ground. I keep side-stepping as I shoot, and can dodge them.

-I’m low on ammo and a bit worried.

-Got him to about 75%. Next phase. Similar to the first, but with an interlude occasionally. He to a part of the room, goes immune, and fires projectiles like Rosso’s blood bolts. I don’t see anywhere to hide behind. Do I have to dodge?

Going to try hiding behind one of these glass containers, but I doubt it’ll protect me.

For a wonder: it does. Strategy adopted!

Hm. Next time, it didn’t work. Maybe I have to lure them to the glass containers but not stand right behind it?

-Weiss is at like 25% now. His chatter has changed a bit, now saying “I am superior!” and “I am a genius!”


-I won’t kid myself that he’s dead, but the “Weiss Empowered” form is gone. I imagine some super monster Omega form is coming up as Omega takes over his body.

-Hm. Not quite, not yet. IT’S NERO! His shadowy spirit form seems to be trying to take over Weiss body, or doing something? Not sure.

-haha, yes! Go Nero! He’s ignoring Hojo’s spirit, trying to talk to his actual brother. And Weiss is responding.

I guess that Hojo was just controlling Weiss, not that Hojo destroyed Weiss’s spirit and was using the body as a total shell.

-Weiss and Nero combine inside Weiss’s body, leaving Hojo’s soul whining on the outside. Outside looking in.

WEISS: “Let us go join… him.”

They’re true believers, and it seems they’ll try to continue the Omega mission. I think I was wrong just now – Hojo seems to still be in Weiss’s body, but being dragged along for the ride, not in control.

Weiss’s body walks to the lifestream pool on the edge of the room and disappears. Perhaps fed to Omega.

-End of stage. I usually keep the experience I earn to gain levels, but I’m low on gil and ammo and potions, so this time I trade my experience for gil. I even have enough to buy an auto-reloader for my weapon, but that’d leave me dangerously low on gil. I’ll hold off.

-Yuffie joins Vincent. “Vincent, we did it!” Yeah… I’m gonna say you called that one a bit early.

-The mako pool in the room begins to pulse and glow and really come to life.

Tendrils of lifestream reach out and engulf our pair.


Next time: Omega emerges.

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