Summary: Yuna. Dream Jecht. Lulu. Preparations to leave Besaid Island.
Evening Party
Meeting the team that night!
-It’s… awkward.
-Wakka asks what their goal is. Everyone says to do their best, but they have a new goal now: victory. This could go south. And I like their old goal!
-They warm up to Tidus’ goals quickly.
-I can walk around now.
-There are 6 teams from around Spira for this Crystal Cup tournament. I wonder if I’ll get to actually play blitzball at some point, like a sports minigame.
-Tidus moves away from the team and approaches the summoner, and… holy shit. The people surrounding her REALLY dislike Tidus.
Why? They call him heathen and a “bad man…” oh. Right. He busted into the sacred cloister. Never mind, I don’t blame them at all.
-Her name is Lady Yuna.
-She thanks him for his help, but is probably just being polite – or thanking him for the effort, since he didn’t actually help.
-Yay Tidus! He’s actually learning from his experience.
-Some initial flirting. They clearly seem to be set up as a romantic pairing.
-They’re going on a boat together tomorrow. Where? She says he can tell her all about Zanarkand then… how does she know he mentioned Zanarkand? Probably just gossip from the Aurochs.
-Wakka comes by as Yuna leaves, warning him against romantic involvement with her. Says it’s not gonna happen. Why? I doubt it’s jealousy, since Wakka doesn’t seem like that type of guy. More likely that something about Yuna’s role as summoner precludes it.
-The toughest team in the tournament is the Goers.
-OH! The boat tomorrow with Yuna is the one going to the tournament. She’s probably coming for the pilgrimage.
-Time for bed.
Tidus’ Dream
-Tidus dreaming. Sepia tone again. He’s on a dock.
-I can move around in this dream. I see Yuna there out on the dock.
-This is creepy. He asks where the boat is, and she says “everyone will find us if it doesn’t come soon.”
-She asks him to take her to Zanarkand.
Then Rikku come from the dock, acting jealous, and Tidus starts running in place, and wtf. XD
“You, with a woman? You can’t even catch a ball!” So that’s the kind of father Jecht was. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt though, given that this is just dream!Jecht.
-The dream continues, and my benefit of the doubt for Jecht is immediately worn down as Jecht taunts his son. Tidus reduced to an ashamed child. Literally – he turned into a kid in the dream.
Fuck Jecht.
-Kid!Tidus starts saying “I hate you!” Yuna and Rikku encourage him.
Evening Party
Meeting the team that night!
-It’s… awkward.
-Wakka asks what their goal is. Everyone says to do their best, but they have a new goal now: victory. This could go south. And I like their old goal!
-They warm up to Tidus’ goals quickly.

-I can walk around now.
-There are 6 teams from around Spira for this Crystal Cup tournament. I wonder if I’ll get to actually play blitzball at some point, like a sports minigame.
-Tidus moves away from the team and approaches the summoner, and… holy shit. The people surrounding her REALLY dislike Tidus.

Why? They call him heathen and a “bad man…” oh. Right. He busted into the sacred cloister. Never mind, I don’t blame them at all.
-Her name is Lady Yuna.
-She thanks him for his help, but is probably just being polite – or thanking him for the effort, since he didn’t actually help.
-Yay Tidus! He’s actually learning from his experience.

-Some initial flirting. They clearly seem to be set up as a romantic pairing.
-They’re going on a boat together tomorrow. Where? She says he can tell her all about Zanarkand then… how does she know he mentioned Zanarkand? Probably just gossip from the Aurochs.
-Wakka comes by as Yuna leaves, warning him against romantic involvement with her. Says it’s not gonna happen. Why? I doubt it’s jealousy, since Wakka doesn’t seem like that type of guy. More likely that something about Yuna’s role as summoner precludes it.
-The toughest team in the tournament is the Goers.
-OH! The boat tomorrow with Yuna is the one going to the tournament. She’s probably coming for the pilgrimage.
-Time for bed.
Tidus’ Dream
-Tidus dreaming. Sepia tone again. He’s on a dock.
-I can move around in this dream. I see Yuna there out on the dock.
-This is creepy. He asks where the boat is, and she says “everyone will find us if it doesn’t come soon.”
-She asks him to take her to Zanarkand.

Then Rikku come from the dock, acting jealous, and Tidus starts running in place, and wtf. XD
“You, with a woman? You can’t even catch a ball!” So that’s the kind of father Jecht was. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt though, given that this is just dream!Jecht.
-The dream continues, and my benefit of the doubt for Jecht is immediately worn down as Jecht taunts his son. Tidus reduced to an ashamed child. Literally – he turned into a kid in the dream.

Fuck Jecht.
-Kid!Tidus starts saying “I hate you!” Yuna and Rikku encourage him.
-Tidus wakes up, and overhears Wakka outside the hut talking to the female guardian. She says that Tidus isn’t Chappu.
-Lulu is the woman. Really loving her design.
[Non-rhetorical question for y’all: does the accessory/stick in her hair have a specific name?]
She’s pissed at Wakka. Thinks he’s projecting maybe?
-Wakka’s little brother was Chappu. He fought Sin with the Crusaders and died.
-This is such a cool friendship already. It’s open and well-articulated and… emotional! Not something I’m used to seeing between males in American media, and while I don’t know anything about Japanese culture and media, I’d be surprised if it’s all that common. [Non-rhetorical statement: please correct me if I’m wrong on this, if it’s common in Japanese media/art.]
Wakka’s worried he might be using Tidus, but Tidus acknowledges this whole thing with Chappu and Wakka’s goals and still feels openly thankful.
Next Day
-Next morning, headed outside where Lulu and Wakka are talking. Wakka’s giving Tidus that watery blade we saw in the intro.
-This is the sword Wakka gave Chappu. I wonder if we’ll ever see a flashback to Wakka and Chappu.
-Yuna came here with the last “Calm.” (Maybe a lull between Sin attacks?)
-Yuna is NOT a light packer. She leaves a bunch of luggage behind though after Wakka and Lulu suggest so.
-She bids farewell to this place. I get the sense Yuna has fond memories here, especially given that she spent 10 years here and Wakka and Lulu see her like a little sister. (Oh, and this “little sister” language from Wakka may preclude any weird/crappy love triangle subplots between Yuna, Wakka, and Tidus. A huge plus in my book.)
Where was she before she came here? Chilling at Edea’s orphanage?
-Lulu’s name in the party status screen doesn’t have watery highlights though. I wonder if that’ll mean she is a short-timer.
-Lulu is a straight-up mage. Her overdrives are elemental magic and her abilities are elemental magic.
-Yuna is a healer, with Valefor (and presumably other aeons to come later) as her overdrive.
-The party got plopped outside of town, but heading back into the village to see if I missed something. I specifically wonder if Yuna’s luggage is available to root around in.
-A shopkeeper’s dog dug something up. Huh.
-Woohoo!! Found three treasure chests I must’ve missed before. Some gil, a hi-potion, and two potions.
-Most of the villagers are at the ship, waiting to say goodbye. Some are still back here though. “Wedge” (that’s what I’ll call him until I get his real name) is still back here because he’s recovering from Sin’s toxin.
-Tidus wakes up, and overhears Wakka outside the hut talking to the female guardian. She says that Tidus isn’t Chappu.
-Lulu is the woman. Really loving her design.

[Non-rhetorical question for y’all: does the accessory/stick in her hair have a specific name?]
She’s pissed at Wakka. Thinks he’s projecting maybe?
-Wakka’s little brother was Chappu. He fought Sin with the Crusaders and died.
-This is such a cool friendship already. It’s open and well-articulated and… emotional! Not something I’m used to seeing between males in American media, and while I don’t know anything about Japanese culture and media, I’d be surprised if it’s all that common. [Non-rhetorical statement: please correct me if I’m wrong on this, if it’s common in Japanese media/art.]
Wakka’s worried he might be using Tidus, but Tidus acknowledges this whole thing with Chappu and Wakka’s goals and still feels openly thankful.

Next Day
-Next morning, headed outside where Lulu and Wakka are talking. Wakka’s giving Tidus that watery blade we saw in the intro.
-This is the sword Wakka gave Chappu. I wonder if we’ll ever see a flashback to Wakka and Chappu.

-Yuna came here with the last “Calm.” (Maybe a lull between Sin attacks?)
-Yuna is NOT a light packer. She leaves a bunch of luggage behind though after Wakka and Lulu suggest so.

-She bids farewell to this place. I get the sense Yuna has fond memories here, especially given that she spent 10 years here and Wakka and Lulu see her like a little sister. (Oh, and this “little sister” language from Wakka may preclude any weird/crappy love triangle subplots between Yuna, Wakka, and Tidus. A huge plus in my book.)
Where was she before she came here? Chilling at Edea’s orphanage?
-Lulu’s name in the party status screen doesn’t have watery highlights though. I wonder if that’ll mean she is a short-timer.
-Lulu is a straight-up mage. Her overdrives are elemental magic and her abilities are elemental magic.
-Yuna is a healer, with Valefor (and presumably other aeons to come later) as her overdrive.
-The party got plopped outside of town, but heading back into the village to see if I missed something. I specifically wonder if Yuna’s luggage is available to root around in.
-A shopkeeper’s dog dug something up. Huh.
-Woohoo!! Found three treasure chests I must’ve missed before. Some gil, a hi-potion, and two potions.
-Most of the villagers are at the ship, waiting to say goodbye. Some are still back here though. “Wedge” (that’s what I’ll call him until I get his real name) is still back here because he’s recovering from Sin’s toxin.
-I just noticed that the sphere in the middle of the tutorial menu has a design inside it.
Perhaps an outline of Sin’s true form.
-Tried heading back into the Cloister to finish up (boo, still salty about that), but they stopped me for not being a sworn guardian. Dude! Lulu’s right here, as is Wakka! Ah well.
-A woman in the temple: “Careful not to break any more precepts, or you’ll end up like the Crusaders!”
Ok, here’s my working theory on them: the precepts said they should fight off Sin but that it was the job of a future prophesied messiah to actually kill Sin. The Crusaders went against this, got fed up of just trying to protect people from Sin, attempted to kill it, and got destroyed – Chappu being among the ill-fated assault squad. The order of Yevon then excommunicated the Crusaders, or some of them, or broke their rank, or something negative.
So yeah. That’s my theory.
Whatever the case, it’s interesting that the Crusaders still hang around here, and still have some kind of ties to Yevon. Not full-on heretics.
-A woman asks us if we’re a guardian since we’re going with Yuna. I have a choice. I say “No way!” because… well, because Tidus ISN’T. He’s broken one precept, and pretending to be a guardian sounds like a bad idea.
-This town has a dynamic element that reminds me of what I liked about FFVIII’s Balamb. Townspeople walking about, between shop and temple and home, and just going about their business. Feels very alive.
-Found the dog in the weaver’s hut, with something in its mouth…. Uhhhhh
“Valefor has learned Overdrive Energy Blast!” I was expecting, like, a potion.
(Not sure what I’m supposed to picture though. Did the dog, like, find an ancient scroll of this technique that we gave to Valefor? Probably a sphere of power, knowing this game.)
-Found the old guy who gives tutorials. The High Summoners are the four summoners that fought Sin in the past. Ohalland, Gandof, Braska, and Lady Yocun. (I feel like this is the first time I’m hearing Yocun’s name.) So maybe a
-A woman in town: “Lady Yuna has become a true summoner like her father!” AHA.
-Well. That was an intensely profitable trip back to town. I’ll take it as an early game lesson. FFIX’s big early game lesson was “explore everywhere, and you’ll find tons of secrets.” FFX’s may be “backtracking can be rewarding.”

Perhaps an outline of Sin’s true form.
-Tried heading back into the Cloister to finish up (boo, still salty about that), but they stopped me for not being a sworn guardian. Dude! Lulu’s right here, as is Wakka! Ah well.
-A woman in the temple: “Careful not to break any more precepts, or you’ll end up like the Crusaders!”
Ok, here’s my working theory on them: the precepts said they should fight off Sin but that it was the job of a future prophesied messiah to actually kill Sin. The Crusaders went against this, got fed up of just trying to protect people from Sin, attempted to kill it, and got destroyed – Chappu being among the ill-fated assault squad. The order of Yevon then excommunicated the Crusaders, or some of them, or broke their rank, or something negative.
So yeah. That’s my theory.
Whatever the case, it’s interesting that the Crusaders still hang around here, and still have some kind of ties to Yevon. Not full-on heretics.
-A woman asks us if we’re a guardian since we’re going with Yuna. I have a choice. I say “No way!” because… well, because Tidus ISN’T. He’s broken one precept, and pretending to be a guardian sounds like a bad idea.
-This town has a dynamic element that reminds me of what I liked about FFVIII’s Balamb. Townspeople walking about, between shop and temple and home, and just going about their business. Feels very alive.
-Found the dog in the weaver’s hut, with something in its mouth…. Uhhhhh

“Valefor has learned Overdrive Energy Blast!” I was expecting, like, a potion.
(Not sure what I’m supposed to picture though. Did the dog, like, find an ancient scroll of this technique that we gave to Valefor? Probably a sphere of power, knowing this game.)
-Found the old guy who gives tutorials. The High Summoners are the four summoners that fought Sin in the past. Ohalland, Gandof, Braska, and Lady Yocun. (I feel like this is the first time I’m hearing Yocun’s name.) So maybe a
-A woman in town: “Lady Yuna has become a true summoner like her father!” AHA.
-Well. That was an intensely profitable trip back to town. I’ll take it as an early game lesson. FFIX’s big early game lesson was “explore everywhere, and you’ll find tons of secrets.” FFX’s may be “backtracking can be rewarding.”
Outside Town
-The first fight is scripted, Wakka encouraging Tidus in his first use of the blue watery weapon (with what I’m now noticing has, like, a fishhook or something on the end). Says Tidus may make a good guardian someday. I wonder if that’s throwaway language or foreshadowing. Leaning towards the latter.
-Then a bird comes down and Wakka says this is his kinda target. I think this is throwaway banter, though I initially believed it to mean that Wakka is stronger against flyers. I’ll keep an eye on this possibility just in case.
-Yuna and Lulu aren’t in the party just now. I mean, they’re in the party, but not in combat.
-Jelly monster. Resistant to Tidus’s physical attack, which can only mean…
-Lulu uses lightning to flat-out obliterate the enemy. She’s got some sweet purple/blue fire symbol on her hand.
-Lulu and Yuna stop overlooking the town, letting Yuna drink in her last view in a long time.
-I mentioned before how much I liked the Tidus didn’t save Yuna in the cloister, and that carries through here. I love that Tidus is clearly an outsider, and NOT the focus. Yuna is. Wakka waits until Yuna is ready, even if Tidus is impatient as a puppy who wants a walk. Tidus is a newcomer, and while Wakka cares for him already, Yuna is the center of this expedition.
-We’re at the shrine praying for safe travel. Aw… Wakka says that when Chappu didn’t come back, eh didn’t pray. Was in a rush. I get the choice as Tidus to pray or watch – let’s pray. When in Rome.
-Gonna save here.
Next time: setting sail.
Outside Town
-The first fight is scripted, Wakka encouraging Tidus in his first use of the blue watery weapon (with what I’m now noticing has, like, a fishhook or something on the end). Says Tidus may make a good guardian someday. I wonder if that’s throwaway language or foreshadowing. Leaning towards the latter.
-Then a bird comes down and Wakka says this is his kinda target. I think this is throwaway banter, though I initially believed it to mean that Wakka is stronger against flyers. I’ll keep an eye on this possibility just in case.
-Yuna and Lulu aren’t in the party just now. I mean, they’re in the party, but not in combat.
-Jelly monster. Resistant to Tidus’s physical attack, which can only mean…

-Lulu uses lightning to flat-out obliterate the enemy. She’s got some sweet purple/blue fire symbol on her hand.
-Lulu and Yuna stop overlooking the town, letting Yuna drink in her last view in a long time.
-I mentioned before how much I liked the Tidus didn’t save Yuna in the cloister, and that carries through here. I love that Tidus is clearly an outsider, and NOT the focus. Yuna is. Wakka waits until Yuna is ready, even if Tidus is impatient as a puppy who wants a walk. Tidus is a newcomer, and while Wakka cares for him already, Yuna is the center of this expedition.
-We’re at the shrine praying for safe travel. Aw… Wakka says that when Chappu didn’t come back, eh didn’t pray. Was in a rush. I get the choice as Tidus to pray or watch – let’s pray. When in Rome.

-Gonna save here.
Next time: setting sail.