I've tried to play this game unspoiled. I have. Looking stuff up as little as possible, not using guides, etc. It's just too hard. FFXI simply doesn't seem intended to be done this way. Some quests tell me where to go and what to kill, which I like! Others I can make a decent guess at. Others I have no flipping idea what the game is talking about, to a degree that it's not fun to try finding out on my own.
I'm still going to give a reasonable attempt at solving each mission/quest on my own, without looking up where to go or what to kill. And even when I do look stuff up, I'm going to try to just look at the minimum info needed to progress - where to go or what to kill - and not any story stuff.
But just in general, I'm going to be quicker to look stuff up going forward and less self-flagellating. Sometimes I'll mention it in my posts (e.g. "Tried looking for this for a while but gave up and looked up what to kill") but sometimes I won't.
Anyway. Disclaimer made. :)
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