Quest: Riding on the Clouds (Limit Break #4)
-In the last session, I hit level 65. To raise my level cap again, it’s time to talk to Maat in Jeuno for the next limit break quest.
-Interesting. I have to get four Kindred’s seals (which I have). He’ll give me hints, and I have to find out who to give those seals to.
Hint #1: A man known for his magic doll upgrades.
Hint #2: A man so quiet, his boss is ready to call him “Silent Mountain.”
Hint #3: A man who started raising his own sheep to get some good wool.
Hint #4: A boy who only thinks of his sick mother.
-I have some guesses about these, and will test them out before checking guides. Let’s see how many I can get right.
-For the first hint, I’ll guess it’s the puppetmaster in Bastok.

Nope. Not him. It’s a Tarutaru in Windurst named Koru-Moru. Dunno what he has to do with magic dolls, but this is a huge game and I’ve only scratched the surface.
-For the second hint, I assume it’s a Galka. Is it Tall Mountain in the Mines District of Bastok?
Again, no. It’s Raibaht, Cid’s assistant in the Bastok Metalworks. He’s always been pretty talkative to me, but I do seem to remember Cid describing Raibaht as stoic or something in a cutscene.
-Third hint. I’m sure I got this. I remember a guy in the port town of Selbina who was raising sheep…

-Fourth hint. I… I honestly have no idea. At first I thought it was the kid in Jeuno whose mom was a werewolf, but then I remembered it was his sister, not his mom.
Turns out it is a kid in Southern San d’Oria. Never saw the kid before. This is one where I don’t know if it was possible for me to get it. I talked to the kid, and he said “Sorry, deliveries to make!” so even if I tried brute forcing this and talking to every NPC in the world to see who mentions a sick mother, I wouldn’t have gotten it.
-That’s not a bad thing. It’s just a quest meant for an MMO setting of people talking to each other and posting their experiences as they progress.
-I turn the quest into Maat and my level cap is bumped to 70.
MAAT: “Remember, adventuring is not all just about battles and monsters, but about the people you meet along the way. Try not to forget those faces.”
I love that these limit break quests aren’t just “kill these things and bring me their heads.”
-This is random, but I just saw that player with a behemoth head again and he has a SLIME SHIELD FROM DRAGON WARRIOR 1 ON THE NES!!

Was that also a game by one of the component Square Enix parts? I had no idea.
Mission: Kazam’s Chieftainess (Rise of the Zilart)
-There are three main storylines I can choose to work on now. Bastok, Rise of the Zilart, or Rhapsodies of Vana’diel. To pick, I’ll use the intensely scientific “” method. It gives me #2, Rise of the Zilart.
-Gilgamesh is looking for ways to combat the Zilart – the Archduke, his brother, and the Warriors of the Crystal. He thinks we can get help from a mystic old woman in the Temple of Uggalepih, but first wants me to talk to the chieftaness of a nearby town called Kazham.
-Kazham is north of the Yuhtunga Jungle. Haven’t been there yet.
-The town is a Mithra town. Most of the “good guy” religion in Vana’diel focuses on the worship of the Goddess Altana, but the Mithra here worship Vana’diel itself. There’s even an asshole missionary in town from San d’Oria who’s pissed that he can’t convert the Mithra and tries to think of ways to trick them.
-Found the chieftaness, Jakoh Wahcondalo.

She warns me about the dangers of the Temple of Uggalepih but basically laughs me off.
-Oh, and to help me inside there, she gives me a “Sacrificial Chamber key.” Awesome. I’m sure that’ll be lovely.
-OH RIGHT! Almost forgot. There was someone back in Norg who mentioned helping me with the Tonberries, but now that I’ve seen them he might talk to me more.
-Kazham sounds like it is pretty old. The Mithra in Windurst were originally from Kazham. The aggressive ones.
-Lots of talk in the town about the Tonberries. They’re a nearby threat.
Mission: The Temple of Uggalepih (Rise of the Zilart)
-I go back to Norg and talk to the Tonberry guy. He gives useful info.
“The little green beasties on this island are all connected. When ya kill one, the others around all get stronger. It’s their hate fer ya that drives ‘em.”
This must be the “Everyone’s Grudge” mechanic. So the more Tonberries I kill, the stronger that spell is.
-He has a way of “appeasing” the Tonberries, if I bring him three gold beastcoins. I don’t have any, but will watch for them.
-The mission describes the Temple as an “ancient place where… evil deities were once worshipped.” The only sorta evil deity in the game I know of is Promathia currently, but that’s not to say they’re the only one.
-Reached the temple. Now I have to explore and find the old woman.
-JESUS. I found a super creepy room, even by Tonberry standards, here in the temple. The room is an old library with tips on important Tonberry things like how best to sharpen knives, and a voice whispers to me:
“When the paintbrush of souls projects the deepers, darkest corner of your soul onto the blank canvas… only then will the doors to rancor open.”

-Deeper in, not only are there oceans of Tonberries, but Coeurls as well. This temple is a Hell of Fame.
-Okay, this is pretty cool. Later in the temple, I use my paintbrush of souls to etch a picture onto a blank stone canvas, which opens up the next area: the Den of Rancor. The Den is like a series of caves rather than a stone temple.

*deep breath*
-WHEW. I made it. So my goal within the Den of Rancor was to reach the Sacrificial Chamber, and this is another of those things it would have taken days to solve (if ever) without a guide for me.
1.Farm Tonberries in the Temple of Uggalepih until one drops an Unlit Lantern.
2.Run into the Den of Rancor (which requires a series of weird unlocks, including clicking on an empty stone painting frame, standing still for 30 seconds, and then running into a nearby door before it closes).
3.On the top level of the Den of Rancor, go to one specific Altar of Rancor, clear the enemies around it, and trade the Unlit Lantern to get back a Rancor Flame.
4.Go to the bottom level of the Den of Rancor and find a room with four unlit torches.
5.Clear the many enemies in this room.
6.Trade my Rancor Flame to one of the unlit torches, receiving and Unlit Lantern back.

7.Repeats steps 3-6 another three times, running back up to the top level after each time.
8.Once all four unlit torches are lit, the gate to the Sacrificial Chamber opens.
But now I’m through, in the Sacrificial Chamber, and there was a Home Point right before it. So no matter how often I die on whatever is about to come, I do not have to do that process again. PRAISE THE SUN.
-I enter the Chamber, and there are three named Tonberries I have to kill. ONE HAS A CROWN!! TONBERRY KING OH SHIT

-This is yet another situation where the mission would benefit heavily from crowd control. Black Mage has a spell called Sleepga, so if I struggle on this, I’m legit thinking of just leveling one of those jobs up to support Dragoon.
-They rip me apart a few times. Using Holy, hard melee hits, the works. I’m about to call it and go work on my black mage, but then: LINKSHELL (guild) TO THE RESCUE! A friend in the linkshell named Xendor is kind enough to lend his time against this trio of Tonberries. THANK YOU XENDOR YOU ARE THE BEST.
“Wait. Lay down thy blades.”
-The old woman appears. She was the Tonberry king?

“Thine arrival can only mean one thing. ‘They’ have once again begun their rise.”
-She is Grav’iton Berisacci, a scholar from Kuluu. “however, my colleagues often referred to me by the sobriquet, Tonberry.”
She has a story to tell, ten thousand years old.
-The Zilart discovered the crystals a long time ago, and used that power to develop their civilizations. The five arks/crags tap the crystals. Delkfutt’s Tower controls the flow of energy.
-However, they didn’t just want the crystals for power generally. They wanted to use the five crystals to “open the gate to the heavens, the Gate of the Gods, and transform Vana’diel into a paradise of the gods.”
-The Kuluu – Grav’iton’s race – were against the plan. So were the followers of Altana, the Dawnmaidens. But the Zilart ignored them.
-The Gate of the Gods was constructed, and known as the floating island of Tu’Lia.
-We see the Archduke in flashback, leading the Zilart.

-The bone-white crags light up.

-As the Zilart put this plan into action, the Kuluu attacked the northernmost ark and destroyed it.
-The Kuluu’s action caused the crystals to spin out of control, destroying the Zilart in a blinding flash. The eruption left the Northlands uninhabitable and sank the Zilart’s homeland into the sea.
-The Kuluu survived, but the power of the crystals caused the Kuluu to degenerate into what we now see as Tonberries. THIS IS WILD.
“We do not regret our actions. It was a small sacrifice to save Vana’diel. What will happen, happens. One can sit and ponder over what could have been, but that would only be a waste of time. We must move on.
“This world belongs to all who reside on its fertile soil. We could not let it be transformed into a mere playground for the gods.”

-But it’s not done yet. She tells me to go to the island of Zepwell, southwest of Bastok, to find an ancient temple. There, I’ll “join the eight fragments of light” (whatever those are), and the Dawnmaidens will show me what to do.
-She finally warns me to beware of the elder prince of the Zilart. The Archduke.
-She gives me the first fragment of light, and I’m on my way.
-Y’know what? Screw walking out. I spent lots of time recently with the Tonberries, and I want to leave the Temple of Uggalepih in style. I’m going to ask my buddies to help me warp out.

Thanks, friends!
Next time: Will use to decide which storyline to progress on next.