Sunday, July 2, 2017

The Last Week of FFXI

Summary: This is last week of Final Fantasy XI on Coldrun Gaming. Moving on to two new games next week, even with FFXI left unfinished.

I'm rapidly coming to the end of the soloable parts of FFXI.

My gear is as upgraded as it's gonna be. I could grind repeatable endgame content to improve it, but I have literally zero interest in that. I can grind more jobs to 99 for more soloing power - like Red Mage and Beastmaster and Blue Mage - but again, I have literally zero interest in that. I'm ready to be done.

I wrote this in my very first session, before I logged on for the first time to create Detolilla:

"I tend to prefer soloing... This will likely preclude me seeing or finishing a lot of main story things. If there’s a 40 person Bahamut raid, I’ll never see it. If there’s a raid to take down the Queen of the Chocobos to finish some main storyline about the chocobo invasion of [insert random kingdom in FFXI], I probably won’t see it."

That point is nigh.

I'll likely finish "Rhapsodies of Vana'diel," probably this week. "Abyssea" and "Seekers of Adoulin," maybe not so much. The remainign parts of each are group-reliant. My linkshell is great, but there are only two people. They have lives, they don't play all the time, and I hate begging them to help me every time they're online. It puts me in a bad position and it puts them in a bad position.

Final Fantasy XI doesn't have a group finder tool either, like most MMOs. In World of Warcraft, I just press a button and 10-30 minutes later I have a group. In FFXI, I'd have to sit in town and shout for someone to help me. I hate hate HATE that. I'm socially awkward enough as it is.


So while I'm sad that I may not get to see the full story for "Seekers of Adoulin," that may be the way it goes. I apologize to any of y'all who were following along with this. Here's the plan:

1) Do what I can to push through FFXI this week, see where things are at. Do what I can until I hit that "MUST HAVE GROUP" wall I mentioned.

2) Soft exit from FFXI. I might log on more, push more on the story as "bonus sessions" and the like if I feel like it, but it won't be my primary game. Only as the mood strikes.

3) Next week, start TWO NEW GAMES! I plan to alternate posts between Final Fantasy FFXIV and Final Fantasy XII Zodiac Age (comes out on July 11th).

So... yeah! That's where I'm at. This'll be the last week of full-time Final Fantasy XI. I got way more into it than I expected, played way more of it than I expected, got way farther than I expected. Like most MMOs, it doesn't stop. At some point, you just get off the ride.

Thank you for reading, supporting, thoughts, comments, suggestions, etc. Y'all rock. :)

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