Hunt: Lindwyrm
-Fermon in Old Archades tells me of the ancient Lindwyrm in the Tchida Uplands. Four shrines with four iron colossi once held it at bay once, but now it roams free.
-I know the shrines he’s talking about. I’ve seen them around the zone.
-It only comes out during the rain, so I putter around a while and keep rezoning until the weather changes.
-Rainy! But it’s not here. Maybe now that the rain’s out, the iron colossi will be at the shrines?
-No need. It spawned eventually here.

-Lindwyrm used a bunch of stone effects. My Fuzzy Miters protected against it, and Black Mage Ashe’s aeroga destroyed it.
-The Lindwyrm dropped a rusted scrap of armor. Fermon takes this as proof that the iron colossi of legend really existed.
-Surprisingly, the Rusted Scrap of Armor is a key item, not loot. I go back to the shrines in Tchida Uplands to see if I can somehow use it to activate the colossi. No luck.
Hunt: Overlord
-This is simpler. A seeq in Archades wants to pick up girls, and wants to kill a big monster to impress them. And by “kill,” he means “have Coldrun kill and take credit.”
-The Overlord is one of those headless dudes. Attacks with a lot of area effect fire blasts.

-Took him out. I’ve gotten into the habit of using a quickening chain when these enemy types get low on health but BEFORE they enter their Last Stand phase.
Hunt: Goliath
-The petitioner is sketchy af. A Nalbinite seeq named Barrong. I find him muttering to himself. “That last adventurer was quite good, heh heh.” Is he gonna set me up?
-Oh, no. He writes bestiaries and wants my help to fill out his own personal Pokedex. Goliath is a rare monster he wants me to take out in the Necrohol of Nabudis.
-I’ve been to the Necrohol a while ago. The traps and monsters wrecked me. I pop on Steel Poleyns to my party, an anti-trap accessory.

Trap hell.
-The music here is haunting. I love it.
-The air in the dungeon is suffused with mist. And the physical layout of this place is great! It makes me a bit seasick to move around it, the way it plays with dimensions.
-Much as I love the feel of the dungeon, the enemies annoy me. Lots of crap like destroying my mana and status effects like silence, doom, disable, stop, and sleep.
-Found a door I can’t move past, and it’s probably for the best. “Door of Horrors.” I need some sort of bravery medallion to pass.
-Wait, does this have to do with that medallion quest from back in Rabanastre? I seem to remember the guy who had the medallions being from Nabudis.
-Another locked door. “Door of Despair” that needs a might medallion.
-Ran into a nasty nightmare-type enemy, Helvinek.

Bad Horse! (Bad Horse!) Bad Horse, he’s bad!
It dropped a Grimoire that could “destroy all life on Ivalice.” Yikes.
-There’s just a metric ton of awesome stuff in here. Bravery, Faith, Protectga, Black Robes… really good loot!
-A third door, the Door of Loathing. Needs the love medallion.
-Finally found Goliath!

He’s a brutal fight. Mixes up his magic schools, air and water, and eventually lays on some disables and even goes invulnerable.
-Returned to Barrong, and he calls over Jovy excitedly.

Apparently, the plan to use a hunter (me) was Jovy’s idea.
Hunt: Deathscythe
-Got another monograph: a Dragoon’s Monograph, allowing me to get superior items from dragons and plants. From the technick vendor.
-The petitioner is Popol in Nalbina Fortress. He’s dreamed of a deathscythe trying to seize his soul.
-Recently, he went to the Necrohol of Nabudis. Reapers live there, warriors who couldn’t defend their king in life and try to do so in death.
-His clue to find it: “They weaken their victims before taking their souls…” Maybe I’ll have to be at low health to summon it.
-Yup! I reached his spawn point, then had Fran hit my own party until I went low health. He spawned then.

-Again, not an easy fight. Doom, silence, immunities, an all-around pain in the butt.
-Returned to Popol. He can sleep again.. and wants to try being a smithy!
-AND FRIGGING JOVY AGAIN. He calls Jovy over. Jovy hears that I killed the Deathscythe, snorts at me, and leaves.
-My reward is Soul of Thamasa. Hi, FFVI!
Giza Plains – The Dry
-I turn in the Gil Snapper hunt from waaaaay back when.
-Got a Phobic Glaze loot that lets me get a super expensive “Canopic Jar,” which gives me an achievement. Hm.
“A cursed jar said to hold the power to entrap a beast’s soul, forever binding it as an arcana.”
-Gave some leaf to a woman here, and she asks me to go find Sugumu and say hello.

-Back during the Rains, someone in the village who I assumed was a ghost gave me a ring for his beloved. I find an elderly woman here who says it’s her wedding ring. She thanks me for the ring from Ghost Husband, but no further reward. I’ll bet I have to find Ghost Husband again and tell him I did as he asked.
-A bunch of cockatrices escaped from the pen. I have a magick feather I got from the rainy version of the village so I can round them up. They’ll be anywhere with people apparently, including cities.
-I head to Rabanastre to see what’s new, and specifically if I can find cockatrices there.
-Something new is up at Old Dalan’s. A guy named Roh’kenmou was friends with that medallion dude from Nabudis. There are four separate medallion pieces.
“One of the three was given to a person, and the other two were hidden.” He wants me to find them and bring them to him.

-I already have two medallion fragments. The Blackened Fragment and Dull Fragment. Roh’kenmou has one part, and I need one more.
-Found a cockatrice named Renn in Rabanastre, and HOLY SHIT was it a pain to catch! I tried over and over to catch up to it, but eventually was able to ambush it from behind a pillar.

Aww… It’s just scared! It fled Giza Plains in a panic, and has been searching for a mate. Chit.
-Some of the kids in Lowtown strongly suggest that the medallion is in the “city streets” of Rabanastre.

lol at random ffiv reference
-A woman in Rabanastre has amnesia. She has a necklace someone gave her, her only memento.
-I ask all around with no luck until I hit the Muthru Bazaar. Here, I get the option to ask merchants about the necklace, and it turns out it came originally from an asshole Imperial guard.
-Found the guard. He asks me to bring the woman to him. I feel really uncomfortable with this as he sounds like an abusive jerk, but we’ll see.
-UHHH WHERE DID SHE GO??? I can’t find her in that spot. Urk. Time to search all of Rabanastre, yet again.
-Eventually I get a lead from Filo, the sky pirate pretending kid. They took the confused woman in. We all head up to see the Imperial.

-Aha! She’s the Imperial’s brother. She came to visit from Archades but got lost in the desert.
-I bring the final piece to Roh’kenmou. He tells me these all once made up the Medallion of Bravery. He urges me to come to Nabudis.
“If he also deems you worthy, we may have a new medallion-bearer, yes.”
Count me intrigued.
Next time: Returning to the Necrohol of Nabudis for this medallion thing.