Bahamut Awakens
-Scene change. Not sure where, but I think the Port of Balfonheim. Some time has passed. Reddas’ people mourn him.
-Our party is here. Al-Cid is here too. I’mo nly now noticing his chest hair.
-The war is coming. He was unable to stop the Rozarrian fleet. Specifically, Rozarrian “resistance” plans sparked a fight.
The battleground is Dalmasca.
-Even with the Dusk Shard lost, Al-Cid thinks Vayne has an advantage. “He has awoken something quite… large.” Ruh-roh.

Bahamut! …Wait. This game has Bahamut? Based on prior naming conventions though, maybe Bahamut is some Star Destroyer-esque ship.
-The Mist breathed life into Bahamut. Fran refers to Bahamut as an “it,” so maybe I’m right.
-hahahaha Balthier’s eye-rolling as Al-Cid hits on Ashe is priceless.
-Ah, I was right. The Bahamut is an “Imperial sky fortress.”
Now, everything about this seems like I’m closing in on the home stretches of the game. The dialogue around here tells me to make my preparations for Bahamut. I may be off, but want to take this chance for a final world tour to all the red crystal areas.
So I’ll go place by place, try to explore this world as best I can. This doesn’t mean I’ll go all completionist. Frankly, I can’t. I don’t really understand how recipes works so I’ll miss plenty of items, and some stuff like Hell Wyrm and the Great Crystal I’ll probably leave for later runs when I’m more fully prepared.
I also plan to head around the different non-crystal zones to try getting more of the bestiary. Again, not gonna be completionist about this, but will try to hit up at least some more of these.
A last trip (in this game) around Ivalice.
Port of Balfonheim
Last time, I got the esper Famfrit but haven’t checked it out yet. Let’s do so. Who benefits?
VAAN: nothing
BALTHIER: A bunch of time magick, like Reflectga, Slowga, Vanishga.
FRAN: magick lore
BASCH: numerology, daggers, potion lore
ASHE: battle lore x2
PENELO: battle lore, +825 HP
Much as I like the idea of Balthier getting time magick, I like Penelo getting a huge HP boost more.
-HOLY HECK THERE ARE SOOO MANY NEW HUNT BILLS! Deathgaze, Diabolos, Piscodaemon, Wild Malboro (ughhhh), Catoblepas, Fafnir, and Pylraster.
-I had complained earlier about the guy who gave me the Dragon Scale to access Hell Wyrm. He was sitting randomly in a windmill in the Cerobi Steppe and I was frustrated that I stumbled on it rather than getting a clue in the item.
I retract that complaint now. Someone here in Balfonheim is the clue: “[A strange fellow] kept talking about defeating some wyrm out on Cerobi Steppe. But I heard all he does is yell at windmills.” I wonder how many other clues I’ll find talking to everyone in the world now.
-The port is really distraught at having lost Reddas. Some are trying to move on, some mourn, but everyone realizes what a hole his loss leaves.
-The magick vendor here sells “Arise” now, a full-health Raise. Badass.
-LOL I FORGOT ABOUT THE MISSING COCKATRICE SIDE QUEST! One of the cockatrices is pretending to be a chocobo here in Balfonheim. XD

-Even better, it speaks with a cockney accent for some reason. Idc why. It fits.
Hunt: Deathgaze
-This is a phenomenal callback to FFVI. Not just because I first met Deathgaze there, but because it sounds like he’s found in a similar area. The petitioner here is a kid who saw it flying alongside an airship. In FFVI, he was found only by flying around on your airship.
-The petitioner is a spoiled Archadian kid. He swears he saw Deathgaze on an airship flight, and his mom doesn’t believe this. I’m there to settle things.
-I hop between different aerodromes until the traveling kid says he’s seen it.

-Deathgaze is a giant dragon. He’s a pretty tough fight – immune to physical for much of the fight, then heals himself, then casts Reverse on himself, and tosses some of everyone’s favorite status effect: Disease!
-The kid gives me a pittance of a reward, 3400 gil and an Elixir. But the joy of killing Deathgaze is enough!
Hunt: Pylraster
-A big dino. I’m super happy that FFXII has t-rexes.
-I first have to beat the petitioner in a race. It’s a bad mini-game, but at least it’s pretty easy. That was to prove speed, but not Rikken wants to see who’s the strongest person – who can kill the Pylraster?
Can’t fault it. Whoever can beat a t-rex is no doubt strong af.
-Unfortunately, there’s no clue as to Pylraster’s location. None. So… maybe I’ll stumble onto it? Or not.
-Next, heading to Rabanastre to see if any new elite hunts are available, on top of my current Gilgamesh quest. I’m afraid that he’ll be like, “Gilgamesh and Hell Wyrm not enough for ya?”
-Yay! Two new elite hunts await: Ixion and the Seer.
-That Viera I’ve been talking to throughout the game is still here. Ktjn. She’s been torn whether to follow her sister’s path, that of war, or take her own. I’m glad she’s moving on.

-I check in with Krjn, her sister, the bounty hunter in the Clan Centurio hall. She hasn’t seen Ktjn.
-Good to see Migelo again. I’m surprised he’s played such a small role in the game, just a minor NPC.

When I learned DiMaggio was his VA I assumed he’d be either a guest party member or a core mentor that we’d check in with frequently.
-Some refugees from the Empire’s attack on Bur-Omisace have migrated here, hanging out with Old Dalan.
-The kids of Rabanastre – Kytes, Filo, and the rest – have formed a new club: the Buccaneer’s Battallion!

-That’s all the changes I’ve found in Rabanastre.
Next time: Chipping away at some of the hunts.