Sunday, February 4, 2018

FFT War of the Lions – Part 22: Meliadoul

Summary: Exploring the world of chapter 4. We meet Isilud’s sibling.

Around the World

-Some new rumors!

“A Turning Point” - The Northern Sky marched on Fort Besselat, one of Zeltennia’s strongpoints and supply line hubs.

“The Horror of Riovanes” – Rumors abound about the slaughter that happened there.

WAIT WHAT, MORE THAN FIVE HUNDRED PEOPLE DIED THERE?? I was assuming it was a couple of dozen. This was a huge battle.

-Some of the errands are kind of hilarious. Like one where they party members have to join a dance troupe and suck at it.

-There are so many errands (and quests throughout FF) where someone’s pet goes wild and we have to put it down. People gotta take better care of their puppers.

-One errand is from a kid who wants help with math. XD

-Came across an odd fight. A knight, Jeger, facing off against a minotaur. Jeger the knight is a guest. I save him, but he doesn’t join the party or anything.

-More treasures! A Parade Helm, a “Zanmato” (which looks like a writing quill), and a Four-Deity Plate.

-Got an achievement, “A Tragic Tale of Love,” for finding the Enavia Chronicles. Gotta be a reference to some other game. It doesn’t ring any bells from within the FF series.

-Found Matoya’s Cave, the dwelling of a friendly FFI witch way. FFT mixes her lore with FFV’s. She’s an ancient court thaumaturge for the Ronkans, the ancients in FFV. I later discovered the FFV Ronkan Ruins as an ancient wonder of their own.

The Faerie summon looks like Siren in FFVIII.


Gonna leave him at 85 faith. Not pushing it.

-I can use the samurai “Ashura” ability even though I haven’t equipped the weapon! It must use weapons from home.

-Just noticed that my Arise (full HP raise) does MASSIVE damage to undead! I always forget that.

-Found a chocobo forest! Just got there in XIV too.

-Hi, Setzer! I mean, not really, but still cool that I have an errand involving the Blackjack casino ship.

-Currently level 5 in that adventurer/treasure hunter thing. I don’t think there’s any real benefit to it, but seeing some neat achievements at least.

-Hee! I got a li’l “Lugae,” that bizarre evil scientist boss from FFIV.

His final form.


Clockwork City of Goug

-I was wandering the world for errands when a cutscene hits in Goug.

-Mustadio, Ramza, and (I think?) Mustadio’s father are here looking at a device.

-It reacts to our auracite. There’s an Aquarius symbol on the device..

-And… that’s it?


Free City of Bervenia

-A knight templar and their retinue oppose me here. “You slew my brother!”

-Ah, she’s talking about Isilud. She’s Meliadoul, his sister.

-DAMMIT – when I optimized my gear, it apparently made me pick reflect rings. Grrrr.

-Ramza tries to assure Meliadoul that a Lucavi killed her brother. Like someone in court saying “Satan did it.” No way she buys that.

-Oh right, Isidul was Folmarv’s kid. Meliadoul’s got a rude awakening coming.

-I’m resetting the fight. I have all the wrong abilities picked, all my leveling stuff (+JP, for example) rather than my real combat stuff.

-Got em! Lured Meliadoul out to the front, landed Stop with Holy Blade, and got ninja Ramza up in their face to finish em off.

-They flee, still bent on taking us out.


Delita and Ovelia

-Scene change to Delita, thinking of Tietra. Must be Zeltennia Castle.

-He heads outside to see Queen Ovelia. She’s trying to whistle with a blade of grass, but sucks at it.

-Delita teaches her to do it. This is too adorable.

-He promises to protect her in a way he couldnt protect Tietra.


Errands of Bervenia

-One task is from Unei, to explore a “mazelike series of caves.” Unei was an ally in FFIII, helping us reach the Ancients’ Maze, one of the later areas. Found White Materia there.

-And discovered Pandaemonium, the nightmarishly brutal final dungeon from Final Fantasy II (later used in IX!).

-Oh my god I’m SOOOO glad I got Swiftness (the half cast time passive from time mage) for Randwulf, my summoner/black mage. So glad. Gonna get that for my white mage/time mage too.

-I keep thinking about that Goug thing. No way that little cutscene is all there is.

Two possibilities jump out to me. One is that I specifically need the Aquarius Stone to do a thing. The other is that I need to come back when the season is Aquarius.

[game months later]

I wait for Aquarius to come around and return to Goug. Nothing happened. I’ll come back if I get the Aquarius stone. (Unless I already did. I forgot which stones I got lol.)

-New rumor about Lionel’s promising new ruler post-Delacroix. Someone named Bremondt.


Next time: East to Zeltennia Castle.

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