Saturday, June 30, 2018

FFTA2 – Part 4: On Trial

Summary: Doctor Ocktor. Dragoon unlock. Meeting Ribs in Camoa. Starting clan trials.

The First Step (side)

-A white mage will trade his Ocktor Tome of Medicine for my cactus fruit.

-Luso’s surprised. Why doesn’t the mage just get the fruit on the market?

-Ah. He needs the fruit NOW to treat a sick kid.

-And that’s it! No combat, and I still get ability points. I like it!

-The Buster Sword is now available in the bazaar.

-The quest name, “The First Step,” indicates this isn’t the last we see of the mage.

-I’m immediately proved right. A new pub notice thanks me for the cactus fruit. The sick boy recovered.

-The kid’s wealthy family paid the white mage well, so he’s traveling to Moorabella for more training.

-The mage is Mack Ocktor. (Hee! Doctor Ocktor.) I’m sure I’ll see him when I reach that city.

-I checked my Clan Info and find lore on this. House Ocktor is an old physician-producing house. Their tome (now my tome) is a core resource.

-Jealous rivals ruined House Ocktor, but recently Mack Ocktor rediscovered the book in a hidden passage beneath Ocktor Manse’s ruins. I’ll bet I get to explore that place in this game.


Kyrra, Dragoon (job)

-A young bangaa’s under attack. I go help.

-Actions targeting multiple areas are forbidden. So much for white and black magic.

-The bangaa is Kyrra, a dragoon.

-We defeat her attackers, though she’s gruff afterwards (“I’d have sent the lot of ‘em packing, yer help or nae!” I like this Scottish bangaa dragoon.

-Yaaay new job!

-My next bazaar trip confuses me. [Non-rhetorical question: why doesn’t the game allow me to trade this Xergis Tin for the Smallswords E-Class bundle? The name is listed in white on the metal trading screen, but the game will only let me trade Gikhet Lead.]

-I checked back to that chessboard-style Quest Report in Clan Info, and I’m noticing some rhyme and reason:

1) Related quests link together. Stranger in the Woods > A Paw Full of Feathers > The Yellow Wings.

2) The job-unlock quests are right next to each other, on the cluster smack in the middle of the board.

[Non-rhetorical question: what does the mission rank mean?]

Aptitude I (trial)

-Trying out my first Clan Trial. I go with Aptitude 1 because it takes place in Targ Wood.

-This trial improves my aptitude but tanks my negotiation. Hell, I don’t even really know what aptitude IS.

-I have five different difficulty choices. I don’t really know what’s coming so I go with the middle option, “Machinists.” It’d give me +10 Aptitude, -5 Negotiation.

-I succeed in this trial by examining six barrels and finding a “winning” barrel in three rounds.

-Phew. I can use three party members to explore the map’s barrels within three rounds of “combat.”

-The next clan trials are all in Camoa.

-ARGH DAMMIT – I can’t pick the next two side quests up because they require a certain minimum amount of Negotiation and Adaptability. Grrrr.

-That’s all I can do in Targ Wood for now. Off to the next main area, Camoa.


To Camoa! (main)

-We enter the bustling city of Camoa and meet Cid’s seeq streetear friend, Ribs. Maybe he’s seen a wizard who can help Luso.

CID: “I’m talking upper-crust. Someone at the akademy or even a Kiltias… a sorcerer.”

Two FFXII ties here that weren’t there in FFTA necessarily. The “akademy” was an Archadian thing, and the Kiltias were those priests on Mt. Bur-Omisace.

-Ribs may know someone. He’ll share that info in exchange for… a tomato stalk?

-Ribs is super shady, but we’ll play along for now. Time to hunt is a (presumably rogue) tomato.

-The game now officially introduces changing jobs. Way ahead of you, but I still like how gradually it rolls these out for newer players. 

Camoa Rumors

-There’s a rumor of a chocobo-riding moogle back at Muskmallow Field.

-VERY interesting! Location and timing determine what recruits offer to join the clan. For example, I’ll find humes if I go to Targ Wood as the new year approaches, or viera in Camoa in autumn.

-Better clan titles grant better recruits.


That makes sense. There have been far more treasure chests in FFTA2 than in past games. Of course they’ll use that to fuck with me.

-Traps too, but I can lure enemies into traps potentially. I can imagine seeing a trap, going next to it, and turning my back to that trap to entice the enemy to that square.

-Status effect tutorial time. Most are expected, but some new ones or things I forgot at least.

Again great how they present tutorials within the story.

-Charm makes you attack allies while Confused makes you attack either allies or foes.

-Addle makes you forget abilities. Yikes. Auto-attack only I guess.

-The clan talents (story-wise, anyway) are what I expected except for “Aptitude.” That specifically refers to aptitude with machinery.


Negotiation I (trial)

-For this next trial, I’ll go for one title higher: “Brokers,” a rank below “Orators.”

-This is a combat trial. I have to defeat five enemies in four rounds while upholding the law t not target distant units. Uh oh. Let’s try a little bit easier one. I go with “Intermediaries,” the second difficulty. I don’t have a lot of damage right now.

-The enemies are dreamhares. They have an annoying charm, but very low defense. Damage is not an issue. (Still glad I did a lower trial since I had no way to know that.)

[Later edit: this is the first time I used “Power Up 2” as a privilege, so maybe that was the key.]

-OH COME ON. It says I can’t hit enemies at a range, but it counts a critical melee attack that knocks an enemy back as a “ranged” attack, I guess because the damage registers only once the enemy is away. What bullshit.

-You know what? I’m reloading and trying that against, just because it’s such bullshit.

-I actually can adjust my strategy in this scenario, but I still hate it. I have my warrior attack only when another character is on the other side of his target, so no knockback is possible.

-Another point towards at least maybe sorta fairness here is that I can use the edges of this platform as a wall. No knockback possible if I melee an enemy against a wall.



Next time: Finishing off the rank 1 trials. 

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