Thursday, July 26, 2018

FFTA2 – Part 13: Role Reversal

Summary: Vaan and Penelo pop in and send us on a treasure hunt. Unlocking the master monk and parivir jobs.


Grounded (main)

-Someone sabotaged the flight between Moorabella and Fluorgis. Let’s find the saboteurs.

-We find a nu mou tinkering on the ship.

-Then some other dude appears to capture him.

…uh…. Uhhhhhhhh is that vaan cause I think that’s vaan

-This “random person” is after treasure hidden on the ship. It sure sounds like Vaan.

LUSO: “This guy is my mark!”
???: “And when I take him from you, he’ll be mine.”


-Sky Pirate Vaan and I defeat “Genius Ed” together.

-HIIII PENELO! She’s mad at Vaan for wasting time on this “prankster.”

-Vaan stalks off mad at his foolishness. By way of apology, he hints at a treasure across the sea.

-So… will we see them down the line or will this be just a cameo? Could go either way.

I hope it’s just a cameo. I want new party members, new characters, new stories.

-Their appearance COULD mean that this is relatively soon after Revenant Wings. It could also mean nothing, like Cloud appearing in FFT.


Across the Sea (main)

-We purchase a ticket at the aerodrome to hunt Vaan’s treasure in the Tramdine Mine.

-Cid’s healthy again. Recovered from his gunshot wound. We fly northeast together.


-Cid has a bangaa-ish job set. I thought he’d be something new, like the male version of that winged demon race. I’ve spent a lot of time developing my current generic bangaa, but idc. Cid’s in.

It’s a bit disappointing. I hoped Cid would have that demon race’s skillset. [Non-rhetorical question: is there somewhere in the clan or unit menu that shows a unit’s race name?]

-Shortly after, a random demon girl joins the party. Not gonna add her to my active group just yet.


Rumors Abound (main)

-I’m struck by how chill this game is so far. Luso’s overarching goal right now is… have fun! Explore!

This isn’t a complaint. Just the opposite – it’s really cool how casual things are right now! I like when FF games veer away from “let’s save the world” stories. (That’s probably on the horizon.)

-We head to the misty moor of Tramdine, where Adele delights in teasing Luso about the ghosts he fears. Come on, Adele! Ghosts are the most reasonable thing to fear.

-wait did a ghost just fly into Luso’s mouth? He collapsed, wtf is happening??

-Scene change. This seems to be a memory of Luso’s world.

-Someone’s yelling at him for being late. A parent maybe?

-lolol it’s his aunt, who’s literally named Aunt May.

LUSO: “I wasn’t trying to- I mean, I’m sorry I made you worry. I won’t do it again.” She seems like his primary caretaker. What happened to his parents?

-Luso wakes up back in Ivalice, in a cabin with Adele.

LUSO: “Oh, yeah, I suppose I should tell you, my parents are gone. They both died.”

For a wonder, Adele doesn’t crack any jokes. Just offers to make him something to eat. I wonder how they died. I wouldn’t be surprised by random chance (e.g. car accident) or something more intentional.

-She comments how fast Luso’s been going since he came to this world.

She’s not wrong. He’s gotta be worn out.

-So are we just ignoring the ghost that flew into Luso’s mouth and made him pass out?

-Postponing the treasure hunt for now.


Notices, Rumors, & Side Quests

-There’s a super intense notice that looks like it’s written by a tonberry who’s HAD IT.

-I can wrangle chocobos maybe. Maybe even race them? Hard to say, the notice is vague.

-Another rumor tells me a bit about chocobo knights. They sound incredibly interesting, a lot like beastmasters from FFT. They mount weakened chocobos and use those chocobos’ abilities.

-I just noticed that the Mimics in this game have a spell called Scissors dealing lightning damage. And they have a spell called Rock that heals.

Cause they’re hands. XD

-I love this signature:

-Took out an early challenge boss finally, the Red King.

-Sounds like there’s a follow-up challenge, the Blue King. Hopefully he’ll be like Azulmagia in FFV! This could be a chance to pick up some new blue magic.


Banbanga! (master monk unlock)

-I can study martial arts under the guidance of the Tri-Bangaa monks. Will this unlock the Master Monk job?

-Sure looks like it. Their abilities in combat are pretty sweet, a lot of different damaging attacks. Some that do area effect damage.


The Eastwatch (parivir unlock)

-Zengen of the Eastwatch wants to test their might against us.

-They look totally samurai-ish. Lots of two-handed curved blade strikes.

-Ah, so THAT’S a parivir! [Non-rhetorical question: what’s with that name?]

-At this point, I have a roster of about 23 characters. I only use six of them… and yet, I’ve still kept updating their items constantly to improve their job pools.

There’s no point that I can see. I’ve been doing it out of habit, and it’s annoying, and I’m stopping it. (At least, except for the demon girl and the seeq.) It’s a pain in the butt and feels pointless.


Next time: Perhaps taking another swing at Vaan’s treasure. Not sure at all.

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