Sunday, November 25, 2018

Level Up - Part 1: Reset

I've been away visiting family for the past week. I've rethought this project a bit. Readjusting.

  • Character - I didn't randomize it this time. Created a human paladin, Coldrun. The idea of a knight really appeals to me. Feels classic. Something I want to grow with over the next year. The idea of Coldrun growing as I progress towards my goals excites me. 

  • Incentive - One level is simply not an incentive to me. Going instead for a 30-45 minute game session as a daily incentive.
  • Timing - I'll play this session during the day at some point rather than waiting for the end. Play sessions will be signs of commitment to my fitness goals on a given day.

I played my first session on her tonight. Got groceries for the coming week and planned out tomorrow's meals.

Brought Coldrun up to level 6. Quested through the starting area, Northshire Valley, and brought her out to Goldshire. Also picked up some early professions with blacksmithing and mining.

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