Saturday, December 8, 2018

Level Up - Part 11: Cook Whatever

I've watched a lot of cooking videos recently. I want to cook, but even the "simple" videos are disheartening because many require me to go out and get all kinds of ingredients I don't have.

That changed for me with a video I saw yesterday:

The YouTuber's channel is TosTinMan EasyCooking. This video is basically him cutting up some ribs and putting it into a slow cooker, and adding some sauce.

...That's it.

It's... freeing? I'm used to seeing these videos and thinking "I guess if I go on a massive grocery run and am okay with tons of leftovers I won't use, maybe that'll be good to make." And never making it. But this not only looks tasty - it shows me that cooking can be an experiment. It can be flexible.

Like, I can toss whatever I have in a crockpot with some sauce and see what comes out.

That's allowed!


Hit level 27 in the wooded lands east of Ironforge.

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