Sunday, December 16, 2018

Level Up - Part 21: Winter Goals

TW: food, calories.

The first twenty levels of this project have been helpful. This is an outlet to help process things, and the warrior leveling is a nice daily incentive.

Stepping shit up. I have a new goal: from now through the end of winter in March, get in athletic shape. Exercise and eat well.

The reward awaiting in spring: begin to fence again.


Winter Training

Tomorrow's food:

7:15am: Banana chocolate protein shake. (420)
11:30am: Chipotle steak burrito bowl, half rice, extra fajita vegetables, mild salsa, guacamole. (~620 cal)
3:00pm: Protein bar. (210 cal)
6:30pm: Chicken chili. (750 cal)
Total estimated: 2,000 cal

Workout: lower body strength, conditioning, mobility.


Coldrun the Warrior

Level 40! Woohoo! Finished up questing in the Arathi Highlands.

Taking a bit of a break from leveling to bring up my blacksmithing. I've been mining this whole process, copper and tin and iron, with a bit of mithril. Let's see how high I can get my blacksmithing without any farming and with only minimal auction house purchase.

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