Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Level Up - Part 26: New Year on the Horizon

God I love the new year.

I've never been that good at it. I tend to go a bit hard with the resolutions, and always fail. But there's that dream. That I'll get a new journal for 2019, set out goals, make them reasonable and not overly ambitious...

And then in late December 2019, I'll look back and say, "Wow. I kicked ass this year. Changed in all the ways I wanted to, with plenty of surprises along the way. Grew. Became the person I wanted to be."

I can dream, right? It's kind of all I've got right now. Law of large numbers says I'm bound to hit one of these times.


Level 48. Closing in on 50.

Eastern Plaguelands have such cool enemy designs, like these banshees.

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