Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Level Up 2019 - Part 1: The Path Ahead

Chilling in the new year. Starting direction on my mage. Stromgarde warfront.

Coldrun the Human

Today's goal: relax.

Most New Year's Days, I attack with massive lists of what to accomplish, huge "to-do" task sheets that I check off. These feel great for the first day, and whittle away my will shortly after. Then when I miss a couple, I feel like a total failure and go in the tank.

I've chilled today. Gamed, watched some Hearthstone streams, cleaned a bit around the home. Later this evening, planning to hit the gym. (Hopefully after things have cleared out a bit.)


Zibnaf the Mage

I mentioned four areas I'm going to work on in my various sessions. A bit more detail:

  • Main Content: Warfronts, the Ul'dir raid, the war campaign, and the end of Jaina's storyline.
  • Reputations: World quests to push my current Battle for Azeroth reputations to exalted.
  • Old Cosmetics: Going for Arcanist's Regalia, from the vanilla Molten Core raid.

  • Professions: Reagent gathering limits how far I can get with tailoring and enchanting, so I'm going with the chill - some may say boring - profession of fishing! 
 Again, going to play 45 minute sessions/day max, so this is likely my focus for the next month or two at least. I'll play what seems fun on any given day, and try to mix it up during the week.


Started today off with the Stromgarde warfront, new content in Battle for Azeroth. It's modeled on the old Warcraft 3 RTS, stuck into an MMO setting. Me and a group of randos conquer hubs on the map, collect wood and iron, and fight Horde troops.

Parachuting in with my team.

It's not bad. Not great, but not bad. A fun thing to do every couple of weeks, and it rewards some sweet gear.

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