Friday, May 31, 2019

Fitness - May 31, 2019

tw: weight, food

I've been overeating a lot over the past few months, not really taking care of myself. I want to change that.

I want to see what it's like to not be fat anymore. I want to build up my stamina, build up my strength. Eventually get to a point where I can fence again, compete, and not feel embarrassed.

Starting out at 269 pounds. I'll log my food and exercise each day, maybe some brief thoughts. Even a song that motivates me.


Starting Plan

Food: Try moderating what I eat a bit. Three meals, 1-2 snacks, mostly healthy. Less junk, that sort of thing. Ideally, center proteins over carbs. Find food that fits these AND brings me joy.

Exercise: Move more. Walk, bike. I'm afraid I'm too fat for my bike to hold me - if that's the case, I'll go to the gym and use their cycle or some cardio machine thing.

Also start building my core strength with push-ups (or knee push-ups to start), planking, an assisted pull-up maybe if I can.

Infrastructure: Actively improve the parts of my life that stymie healthier food and exercise habits. Things like an unclean home, work that hangs over my head and makes me seek refuge in food, ALL the things.

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