Note: this continues the dragoon questline. I did the level 50-60 one way back in early 2018. Didn’t really need specific knowledge from the 50-60 questline for this 60-70 one, beyond remembering that the Dragonsong War (between the dragons and Ishgardians) ended last expansion
The last quest post:
Friends Through Eternity
-Estinien is gone from Ishgard. With Nidhogg dead, the Azure Dragoon isn’t needed as immediately.
-Heustienne (my dragoon pupil from the 50-60 questline) has been out of contact when word surfaces from her, asking to meet up in the Chocobo Forest.
-She’s controlling the dragon blood inside her wiith the help of a new friend, Orn Khai.

-OMG ORN KHAI IS SO CUTE! He’s a little white dragon whelp. Heustienne wants me to help him.
-Orn Khai’s father belonged to Hraesvelgr’s brood. The consort (Faunehm) that bore him was part of Nidhogg’s. A draconic Romeo and Juliet.
-During the war, his father asked the consort to fly far east for safety. Now that the Dragonsong War is over, won’t I go retrieve the consort and bring her back west?
(Granted, she escaped like a thousand years ago, so maybe this won’t be super easy.)
Drowsy Dragons
-There are legends of dragons in the east, but most of them are suspect or pure bs.
-The first rumor to look into is the Slumbering Wyrm of Gyr Abania.
-Interesting! Dragons usually communicate lore via song.
-We arrive at the Slumbering Wyrm’s supposed location, a stone cavern. All we see here is a strange hostile statue shaped vaguely like a dragon.

-A guy named Erik finds us searching here. He knows of the legend. “The time when one could meet the Wyrm has long since passed. The high priest Heimart, also known as the Slumbering Wyrm, departed this world over three hundred years ago!”
-Dead end then. The “Slumbering Wyrm” was just a nickname for an old priest who had a temper. Sorry, Orn Khai.
Serpent and the Sea of Rubies
-Back in Dravania to rest up a bit. Orn Khai’s still a whelp, after all, and he can’t exactly fly to our next exploration spot (Kugane). It’s REALLY far.
-LOLOL – we end up mailing him.

-Next thing to check is the legend of Seiryu. Sorry to say, I know Seiryu, and he’s not the dragon you’re looking for. Just a giant snake creature.
(Granted, this quest was available at Stormblood’s release. I only met Seiryu in a later patch.)
-An old woman we find in a Ruby Sea fishing village directs us to this legendary bloodthirsty sea serpent, to see for ourselves.
This is gonna be another total bs lead, right?
-Yup. It’s a big sea serpent, but nothing special.

-Orn Khai is taking this all with a light heart. I hope we find this “Faunehm,” his mother.
Dark as the Night Sky
-Orn Khai has enjoyed his time in Kugane. He’s used to being feared and hated back in Dravania. The Hingans in the east here have no such fear. They find dragons lucky.
-Hee! He made friends with that Namazu who had betrayed us in the past, Gyodo. Not a bad guy exactly, just shady and greedy.

-The catfish tells of a legendary dragon in the Azim Steppe, a dragon “dark as the night sky.”
-Seems like he’s at least not flat-out lying. We head to the Steppe and the nomads here have heard of the dragon. Some claim to have even seen it recently.
-Hot on its heels. One warrior we meet just had his squad destroyed by the black dragon.
-YUP THAT’S A REAL DRAGON! It’s Faunehm. Gyodo came through.
-It’s a brutal fight. I wipe on my first attempt and finished the second attempt near death.
-Orn Khai tries talking to her more, without luck. We’ll retreat for now.

-I love Faunehm’s look at the fight’s end! She gets this blacklight-type glow to her scales.
Dragon Sound
-Orn Khai thinks Faunehm has been here in seclusion for so long that something in her broke. She’s been alone, no consort or anything.
-Uh oh. The Oronir have hired some dragonslayer to help take her out. We head off to save the poor black dragon.
-The game seems to be signaling hard that we know this dragonslayer. I’ll bet it’s someone from the questline, but not sure who. It’s not gonna be Estinien, though he first comes to mind. He ended Heavensward on good terms with dragons. He wouldn’t hunt them.

-LOL NOPE, IT’S ESTINIEN. Still weird to see him without his mask.
-I was half right. He came here to act as an intermediary between the Oronir and Faunehm. Violence is his last resort.
-Nidhogg’s call for vengeance at the end of Heavensward seems to have infected Faunehm even here, half a world away. Her loneliness and isolation opened her up to that influence.
-Estinien wants Orn Khai to use his roar to somehow clear Faunehm’s mind. But it’s just a little whelp of a roar!

-It’s another tough fight, but I’ve upgraded my gear. It’s not as bad as the last one.
-We finish weakening her and Orn Khai lets loose his roar. It works. The fog clears from her eyes.
FAUNEHM: “Why? Why must we go to war…? I have no ill will, no desire to fight…” Yeah, Nidhogg’s call from last expansion still infected her.
-But the rage returns to her eyes. Orn Khai’s roar was not enough.

-He gives his own roar. It sticks this time.
FAUNEHM: “Those wings of white… Long have they filled my dreams… Vedrfolnir, my love..”
-Orn Khai’s roar actually did work, just not how he intended. It called Vedrfolnir.

Happy reunion.
-What a sweet ending! I really liked this questline. Probably not as much as the 30-50 one, but more than the 50-60 line.
-The gear set I get for completing the story is sweet as always. XIV does such consistently great design.

-Hee! The achievement for doing this is “Dragoon Age III.” Just tickles me as I’m doing a Dragon Age 3 (Inquisition) Let’s Play series currently. The worlds are colliding.
Random Stuff Around Eorzea
-I managed to get friendly with a tribe of turtle beastmen. They give me a cosmetic gear set that looks fantastic, especially for a dragoon:

The problem: I got a chest piece with better stats, which ended up… clashing:

A random player with a slime king hat. This must be from the Dragon Quest crossover event.

Next time: Back to the Shadowbringers main story quests.