Infiltrating the Augur’s Quarter. Lightning stars in the Slaughterhouse
arena and the play about the Savior. I love this session.
The Great Break-In
-I have some time before the 6pm meet-up to get into the Augur’s Quarter.
-Helped a singer get her voice back. She rewards me with “my favorite song.” How’d she know my favorite song? Lumina told her.
It’s the XIII theme with lyrics. Serah’s favorite song. Whatever Lumina is, she’s not evil.
-I hope back to Luxerion briefly for side quests. I see what y’all meant about this game being meant for multiple playthroughs. So many new side quests, and time-sensitive ones, like a dude named Armand who tells me part of his story at noon and asks me to come back again at noon later.
-6pm arrives. I’m back with plenty of time.
-The fal’Cie Pandaemonium is nearby. I think Snow’s fal’Cie, Cactuar, is dead at this point.
Speaking of them, how tf did Snow meet Cactuar anyway? I don’t remember that fal’Cie from FFXIII, unless the Gigantuar WAS the fal’Cie. I’m looking forward to more on that.
-Some treasure spheres can only be opened with EP. Good reason to save it up.
-Pandaemonium creates goods and food by using Chaos. Chaos feeds the world. And there’s plenty of Chaos in Yusnaan, since it feeds on despair. This place is like XIV’s Eulmore.
-Hi, Lumina. The Chaos is swallowing the city and Snow’s given up the fight.
LUMINA: “You know why, right? It’s all because of you-know-who. She’s the reason he’s dead inside.”
-He wore himself out pining away for her, and now he’s gone.
-Btw, Lumina casually calls Lightning “sis.” How much of Serah is in Lumina?
-She’s even directing Lightning to help Snow. (in her own way.) Urging her to help Snow get out from under all the gloom and memories. Exactly what Serah would ask.
-WHAT THE FRESH HELL – LUMINA SUMMONS A CYCLOPS. Not too tough, but why? To provoke Snow?
-She gives it a final burst of energy and we crash down below before leaving. Mischief managed.
-Dropped into the warehouse district, a confusing maze of crates and beams.
-Down here, found a dead high-ranking citizen’s ID. That should get me into the Augur’s Quarter.
-We’re gonna have to audible. They closed down the service entrance Hope and I planned to use.
HOPE: “If we’re lucky, it’s just a new Chaos infusion. If not, it’s a Cie’th.”
Hope thinks Snow might have turned. I’m not so sure. He’s in despair, but Cie’thdom is about failing your Focus. What Focus did Cactuar give him?
The Legend of the Savior (2-2)
-Hope comes up with a new strategy. The savior show is tonight. We can use the finale’s fireworks stunt to knock down the set in such a way that it forms a bridge into the palace. I just need more fireworks.
The visual style as Hope goes through this is so cool! “Lightning Returns” started out feeling like a noir mystery. Now it feels like a high-tech heist/infiltration.
The Great Break-In
-I have some time before the 6pm meet-up to get into the Augur’s Quarter.
-Helped a singer get her voice back. She rewards me with “my favorite song.” How’d she know my favorite song? Lumina told her.

It’s the XIII theme with lyrics. Serah’s favorite song. Whatever Lumina is, she’s not evil.
-I hope back to Luxerion briefly for side quests. I see what y’all meant about this game being meant for multiple playthroughs. So many new side quests, and time-sensitive ones, like a dude named Armand who tells me part of his story at noon and asks me to come back again at noon later.
-6pm arrives. I’m back with plenty of time.
-The fal’Cie Pandaemonium is nearby. I think Snow’s fal’Cie, Cactuar, is dead at this point.
Speaking of them, how tf did Snow meet Cactuar anyway? I don’t remember that fal’Cie from FFXIII, unless the Gigantuar WAS the fal’Cie. I’m looking forward to more on that.
-Some treasure spheres can only be opened with EP. Good reason to save it up.
-Pandaemonium creates goods and food by using Chaos. Chaos feeds the world. And there’s plenty of Chaos in Yusnaan, since it feeds on despair. This place is like XIV’s Eulmore.
-Hi, Lumina. The Chaos is swallowing the city and Snow’s given up the fight.
LUMINA: “You know why, right? It’s all because of you-know-who. She’s the reason he’s dead inside.”

-He wore himself out pining away for her, and now he’s gone.
-Btw, Lumina casually calls Lightning “sis.” How much of Serah is in Lumina?
-She’s even directing Lightning to help Snow. (in her own way.) Urging her to help Snow get out from under all the gloom and memories. Exactly what Serah would ask.
-WHAT THE FRESH HELL – LUMINA SUMMONS A CYCLOPS. Not too tough, but why? To provoke Snow?

-She gives it a final burst of energy and we crash down below before leaving. Mischief managed.
-Dropped into the warehouse district, a confusing maze of crates and beams.
-Down here, found a dead high-ranking citizen’s ID. That should get me into the Augur’s Quarter.
-We’re gonna have to audible. They closed down the service entrance Hope and I planned to use.
HOPE: “If we’re lucky, it’s just a new Chaos infusion. If not, it’s a Cie’th.”
Hope thinks Snow might have turned. I’m not so sure. He’s in despair, but Cie’thdom is about failing your Focus. What Focus did Cactuar give him?
The Legend of the Savior (2-2)
-Hope comes up with a new strategy. The savior show is tonight. We can use the finale’s fireworks stunt to knock down the set in such a way that it forms a bridge into the palace. I just need more fireworks.
The visual style as Hope goes through this is so cool! “Lightning Returns” started out feeling like a noir mystery. Now it feels like a high-tech heist/infiltration.

-The show starts at 7pm, and it’s THE BEST. DANCING CHOCOBOS WITH A CHOCOBO GIRL.

-Off to find fireworks. A series of mini-quests, but my favorite part is where Lightning has to say the cutesy promotional code to a chocobo girl to get free fireworks.

“Meow-meow, choco-chow.”
-Got the fireworks – and then some. I have time to try the Slaughterhouse arena.
No expectations. I’ll bet it’s the game’s super challenge mode.

Into the arena.
-…somehow managed it. Unlike XIII, I can use timing blocks on the sunders in its second form.
-lol the crowd cheers my victories with the FF fanfare, acapella. XD
-Done here, ready to turn in the fireworks.

Hee! The rose petals that randomly appear.
DIRECTOR: “You’ve got chutzpah to spare!” That’s a first. The FF series brought the Yiddish.
-I have to win the savior costume in a special Slaughterhouse fight tournament.
-Btw, credit to the soundtrack. It’s my favorite in the trilogy already.
-Here we go. Special fight in the Slaughterhouse… and it’s nothing. Gremlins and an Anubys to start. The final fight is just a Zaltys, which I’ve had lots of practice against in the Ark.

-I was disappointed at first, but y’know what? I’m glad. I don’t want the game to lock progress behind some Super Behemoth boss.
-…the “savior” costume is a beautiful dress. Not sure how Lightning-ish that is, but I’m game.
-hfadjklsfhlfdhals omfg, the Slaughterhouse MC makes Lightning prove her acting chops by giving some key savior line about giving her all to save the world.
She delivers the line like Daria or April Ludgate. The voice actress for Lightning is just killing it.
-Yusnaan’s theme isn’t “despair” or “resolve.” It’s “irritate Lightning.”
-The Slaughterhouse announcer used to play the Savior role herself in the play. She waxes poetic about the theater’s role in the end of the world. It comforts folks, gives them something to dream on.
-One of my favorite side quests is helping a juggler draw attention by buying a ton of adornments (and presumably lending them to her). She wears them all simultaneously.

HOPE: “[Lightning,] what are you going to do now with all those adornments? If you follow her lead, you could attract all the attention you’d want!”
LIGHTNING: “Hope. That’s the worst idea you’ve ever had.”
-3am approaches. Time for the finale.
-Huh. This whole time, I thought we were fooling the show’s director by gathering ridiculous amounts of fireworks, but no. He knows it’ll destroy his stage. He’s just so BORED – wants something new.
The style in this game is hard to beat.
I don’t blame him. How many years has he done the same basic show?
Show Time
-The show begins. A voice booms, “Chosen one! Become my blade!” Bhunivelze.
-And HOLY SHIT LIGHTNING CAN ACT! She’s really throwing herself into the savior role. It’s shocking. I assumed she’d groan and half-ass it, more Steiner than Dagger, but nope.
-She dances gracefully between torches, twirling.
“BHUNIVELZE”: “It is time, my servant. Let the flames of devotion consume you!”
LIGHTNING: “Yeah. I’ll show you a real fire. Let’s see how you burn!”
I can’t help but think this is foreshadowing. God telling Lightning to follow his plan, sacrificing herself if need be, and Lightning turning the tables.
-I also wonder if it implies hidden anger simmering inside Lightning. The return of emotion.
-The fireworks begin. Lightning’s floating platform starts going out of control. Everything’s on fire and the crowd couldn’t be happier.
-THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL! Both Lightning herself and the whole show.
LIGHTNING: “I am the true savior. I was made to serve God. But if that God lies to me...”
She leaps atop the Bhunivelze statue. No longer subservient, but dominant.
“…then He dies!”
She plunges her sword into the Bhunivelze statue’s head. The statue crashes towards the palace. God has literally become a dying vehicle to save her friend.
What a brilliant scene! god I love this game
Next time: Into the palace.
-Huh. This whole time, I thought we were fooling the show’s director by gathering ridiculous amounts of fireworks, but no. He knows it’ll destroy his stage. He’s just so BORED – wants something new.

The style in this game is hard to beat.
I don’t blame him. How many years has he done the same basic show?
Show Time
-The show begins. A voice booms, “Chosen one! Become my blade!” Bhunivelze.
-And HOLY SHIT LIGHTNING CAN ACT! She’s really throwing herself into the savior role. It’s shocking. I assumed she’d groan and half-ass it, more Steiner than Dagger, but nope.
-She dances gracefully between torches, twirling.

“BHUNIVELZE”: “It is time, my servant. Let the flames of devotion consume you!”
LIGHTNING: “Yeah. I’ll show you a real fire. Let’s see how you burn!”
I can’t help but think this is foreshadowing. God telling Lightning to follow his plan, sacrificing herself if need be, and Lightning turning the tables.

-I also wonder if it implies hidden anger simmering inside Lightning. The return of emotion.
-The fireworks begin. Lightning’s floating platform starts going out of control. Everything’s on fire and the crowd couldn’t be happier.
-THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL! Both Lightning herself and the whole show.
LIGHTNING: “I am the true savior. I was made to serve God. But if that God lies to me...”

She leaps atop the Bhunivelze statue. No longer subservient, but dominant.
“…then He dies!”
She plunges her sword into the Bhunivelze statue’s head. The statue crashes towards the palace. God has literally become a dying vehicle to save her friend.
What a brilliant scene! god I love this game
Next time: Into the palace.