Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Fitness - Part 1: Tentative Steps

Trying the whole "get healthy" thing again.


I've tried tying fitness goals to different gimmicks. Like, gamifying it with stats and quests and rewards. Or making it so every time I have a good day or lose x weight, I play a game character.

Not trying any of that. Tbh, I want to think about this as little as possible. The less upkeep, the better.

Core Principles to Start

  • Use a general meal plan, but get creative and try cooking different things.
  • Off-plan meals are fine in moderate amounts. Try for once every couple of days.
  • Junk/sweets are okay in small amounts. Limit to ~250 cal/day to start. 
  • Find food and exercise I enjoy. If I'm not liking something, find an alternative.
  • Eat about five times per day. Three meals, two small snacks.
  • Exercise about 3 days/week. Something that pushes me for like a half hour, even a brisk walk.
  • Log what I eat regularly, not worrying too much about calories. If I'm constantly hungry, I'm probably eating too little. If I'm constantly stuff, I'm probably eating too much.
  • Weigh in once or twice per week.

Initial Meal Plan

general template: [protein] + [carb], some light fat okay too (e.g. cheese, oil)

A Few Initial Breakfast Ideas:
  1. Protein shake. Fruit + milk + ice + protein powder maybe some peanut butter.
  2. Eggs w/carb. Any style eggs. Toast, bagel, or rice. Some cheese.
  3. Spam & eggs, lighter on the carb. 

A Few Initial Lunch/Dinner Ideas to Eat In:
  1. Meat with carb. Rice, or baked/instant mashed potato. I gotta learn how to make chicken breasts that aren't dry af. Pork chops and Spam also okay for the meat.
  2. Pasta with sauce, cheese, canned tuna/chicken.
  3. Slow-cooked chicken with rice/fajita wrap. Chicken breasts with salsa, or chicken thighs with buffalo/barbecue sauce.
Add veggies for all these. Bagged, microwaved veggies are great. Salad with dressing good too.

A Few Initial Snack Ideas:
  • Greek yogurt with nuts, berries.
  • Beef and cheese sticks.
  • Mac and cheese cup. Not "healthy," but filling, limited portion, and zero binge temptation (unlike, say, a giant bag of chips or pretzels).

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