Monday, April 20, 2020

FFXV – Part 22: The Trial of Lunafreya

Summary: The battle against Leviathan, one of the best action pieces in all FF. Lunafreya.


Into the Fray

-This is visually amazing, to see Luna beseeching Leviathan. This is our first time seeing the rite as it happens, and LUNA HAS CHUTZPAH TO SPARE. This shit has gotta be TERRIFYING, seeing Leviathan rise from the ocean, roaring in her face, and yet she stays chill. (On the outside, anyway.)

-We switch over to Noctis, heading over to protect Leviathan solo.

-The rite continues, and Leviathan is not happy. What does Luna know of “All Creation?” She sees the request for power as insolent, goes to bite Luna… and Luna STABS UPWARD WITH A TRIDENT OF LIGHT HOLY SHIT SHE IS SO BADASS

-Luna vows the King will be worthy should the goddess bestow her power.

LEVIATHAN: “If not, then the Feeding shall begin, and it shall not end until every last speck is devoured.”

The “Feeding?” I don’t like the sound of that.

-Btw, Leviathan’s voice is just incredible. A daunting alien echo.

-She agrees. Let the covenant be forged.


-Noctis hops off a cliff at… God I initially wrote “at Urianger’s urging,” but I meant “at Ignis’ urging.” They do share similarities, no? Or maybe I just suck at differentiating voices. That seems more likely.

-And Prompto catches him on some small aircraft they “borrowed from the Niffs.” Ooh, I assumed we were going to swap over to the evacuation shortly, but maybe that’s what Episode Prompto is about!

-Noctis fights off some of Leviathan’s mini waves, then warpstrikes right onto LEVIATHAN’S FACE.

-I get two options. I can either request Leviathan’s power or demand it. Maybe demanding is the more “kingly” thing to do, but it seems unwise to demand anything of Leviathan given what I’ve seen from her. I hope she doesn’t take that as a sign of weakness.

[Non-rhetorical question: Would there have been a different outcome from demanding it, or is it just an RP flavor touch to get that choice?]


The Trial of Leviathan

-It’s Noctis versus Leviathan. I warp strike back onto her face, and she easily whaps me away. Not the wisest movie on my part.

-Ardyn approaches Luna, meanwhile. Asks for the ring.


“On second thought, let him have [the ring]. And do remind him about the crystal.”

[Later edit: I didn’t process this at the time because of the overwhelming amount of stuff happening, but I’m not sure what to make of this. It seems at first like Ardyn was just going for the ring, and then called an audible. He decided at the last minute to keep pushing Noctis into a particular place, with that ring and the power that goes with it.

That can’t be what the Emperor wants, can it?]
I played FFV and FFVII so I should have seen this coming, but I 100% did not.

-As she gasps for breath, she says the first thing I’ve seen all game that wipes away Ardyn’s smile: “When the prophecy is fulfilled, all in thrall to darkness shall know peace.” Something about it enrages him.

-So I think she’ll die, but I’m not 100%. It’s a stomach wound, probably fatal but it’s not like he cut her heart and video game logic might let her live?

-Ardyn leaves. The Oracle takes up a trident once more, and seems to summon the power of the ancient Lucian kings to revive Noctis.

-…okay. Y’all. This wasn’t a tough fight – I don’t know if it’s even possible to lose – but this was the greatest cinematic action pieces I’ve experienced in a Final Fantasy game.

The music! The sheer SIZE of Leviathan, which is the first FF I’ve played that really captures the fear and awe I’d have being around the god of the sea! I’m so glad it wasn’t just like the Adamantoise fight where I whapped at feet for a couple of hours. This felt so incredibly epic.

The feeling of whooshing around as SuperNoctis and chucking armigers at her! The tidal wave arena! The water cyclones! I’m just floored.

This is one of those perfect sample fights that shows me that challenge is not a major factor in my enjoyment of an encounter.

Just my personal taste! I know there are plenty of folks out there who need bosses to be brutally tough to find them satisfying, and that’s totally valid.

[Later edit: I wonder what that nonsense before about Noctis needing to keep the Imperial harpoons and stuff clear of Leviathan. That had basically no role at all. Perhaps just a red herring.]

-Afterwards, Luna leans over Noctis, and she’s apparently still strong enough to hold him in her arms. Maybe she’ll be okay after all.

Leviathan roars over the two humans once more, and this time Titan rises to face Leviathan. He pounds the ground, summoning a rock wall to protect us, or at least to just show her that he’s on our side.

-Flashback time? Or dream? Noctis and Luna as kids in a field of flowers.

LUNA: “A chance to see you once more… My prayers have been answers. My calling fulfilled.” OH SHIT YOU’RE REALLY KILLING OFF LUNA, AREN’T YOU GAME

-This is a memory of the flowers of Tenebrae.

-The wind picks up. Kid!Luna turns into Adult!Luna. “This moment will have to be enough.”


-Fully underwater now, and Luna sinks down. This has to be consciously referencing Aeris’ death.

-The ring floats up to Noctis. He wakes in bed with Ignis nearby.

-Ignis looks scarred around the eyes. He confirms that Luna didn’t make it.

-In real life, Umbra brought Noctis the ring. Noctis begins to weep. Jesus.

-End of Chapter 9.  

The lack of time from Luna’s perspective does hurt the scene’s impact a bit. I’m thankful I saw “Kingsglaive” because, without that, this would’ve felt kind of cheap.

This is one example where the lack of female characters actively undermines XV’s goals, imo. It wants to create tragedy with Luna’s death, and it works! I don’t count it at all as a fridging, since holy SHIT did she go out like a boss, on her own terms and for her own goals.

But how much better would it have been if she had accompanied us? Or if we got to play as Luna intermittently as she went through her story, like with FFIX’s active time events?]


Off the Rails

-Chapter 10 is “The Heart of a King.”

-A large title screen appears: Scourge of the Stars.

-Several weeks later…. Succarpe, Magna Forte. A train.

-The party will visit a royal tomb in Tenebrae along the way. Oh shit, Ignis’ eyesight is gone temporarily.

-Gladio gets all in Noctis’ face for being too mopey about Luna’s death, and boy do I disagree. As Noctis said, he’s here, isn’t he? He’s still pushing on.

Maybe it’s too soon for me to tell. Maybe this detour in Tenebrae is really harmful for their mission, but still. Calling Noctis a coward seems kind of overkill.

-Noctis moves to sit alone and collect himself. Looks at the Ring of the Lucii. Doesn’t wear it.

-I get to walk around the train a bit.

-There’s an article about a tree overrunning someplace called Fodina Caestino.

-On the radio, we hear that the damage to Altissia was bad, but could’ve been worse. Camelia is grateful for Noctis’ and Luna’s help. Whew. She seems incredibly formidable, and I wouldn’t want to be in her crosshairs.

-The train stops and off we go.


Next time: Exploring Tenebrae.