Sunday, November 22, 2020

[Coldrun Fitness] Level 2: I Suck At Cooking (Yeah I Totally Suck)

TW: food, exercise

Cooking a few super basic things. Continuing to walk. (Feel free to add me if you play Pokemon go!)


I fear that if I keep building up new habits and tracking everything equally, this journey will stop being enjoyable. It'll just be an exhausting and herculean task.
So I'll move a bit chaotically. Sometimes I'll try new things, sometimes I'll circle back to old things, but moving, moving, moving. Build foundations slow and wide.

Focusing on 1-2 things each level sounds reasonable for now. This week, some basic cooking and exercise.


For this level, I want to talk a bit about "You Suck At Cooking." It's a YouTube channel that is funny, foul, and makes cooking look super simple. There are a lot of similar sites out there, and I want to start building those cooking skills.

A few recipes that interest me especially:
The particular foundation I want to build here is using the internet to teach me to cook. I didn't grow up cooking, and only sporadically have built a base of easy recipes in the past few years. For long-term fitness, I have to keep developing this. YSAC is a perfect starting point for recipes that interest me.


The short version (but watch the delightful video anyway):
  • Pre-heat the oven to 400 degrees.
  • Coat a chicken breast in salt, pepper, and olive oil in a bowl.
  • Put it on a parchment paper-lined pan.
  • Put in oven for 20 minutes.
  • After, check that it's 165 degrees internally.
My Version: I didn't have parchment paper so I added aluminum foil instead. It also took more like 25 minutes - at 20 minutes, the chicken was only 140 degrees internally. BUT IT WAS AMAZING!!! Juicy af.

Exercise: Today, I want to build on the level 1 habit of exercising at a particular time regardless of how I feel then, whether energized, sluggish, relieved, tired, stressed, or whatever.

5:00pm: 40 minute walk. Successful! Really enjoying getting back into Pokemon Go. Helps pass the time on these walks.



As basic as it gets. 
  • Wash the potato.
  • Put a potato into a pot of water.
  • Heat to a boil.
  • Cook for 10-20 minutes until the fork goes through easily.
  • That's it. Cut open, add salt, pepper, butter. 

My Version: I tried this. It was... edible. I left the potato boiling for about 25 minutes, but think I took it out too soon. Was still a bit hard in the middle. A good first attempt! 


Exercise: Another walk, about 40 minutes. Yay for Pokemon Go!



The tortilla pizza recipe:

  • Pre-heat oven to 350.
  • On a parchment paper-lined pan, add tortilla. Add pizza sauce, cheese, whatever else.

That's basically all the direction needed. I popped it in for about 7 minutes, checking on it a couple of times along the way until it looked melty enough. 

Super tasty! Next time I may add stuff like cherry tomatoes or bell pepper, but for now I just wanted to try the basics.

Exercise: Didn't go for a walk today (and hadn't planned on it).


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