Tuesday, September 1, 2020

FFVIIR - Part 22: Airbusted [Semi-Blind]

Summary: My two attempts against the Airbuster. It… didn’t go great.

Warning: return of salty Coldrun.



I regret this session greatly. The boss was totally fine! Hard, but fair. But I dealt badly with it mentally and emotionally. This happened a bunch in my Sekiro playthrough, where I get disproportionately down on myself when I don’t understand or execute mechanics well.

I’m going to try getting better at this. Next time I run up against mechanics that are whomping me, I’m going to try extra hard to stay calm and treat it as a learning experience.

A few non-rhetorical questions:

-Could I have evaded any of the red or blue laser showers with the circle button?

-How was I supposed to deal with that tracking Tankbuster in the final phase? Any way to block or evade it, or just supposed to draw it away from the other party members and keep my health as high as possible?

-Is it possible to dodge or evade the stun effect that preceded the big bomb blast?

Again, apologies for how salty I acted during this fight. It WAS a cool fight, and I loved that hover-effect it had going. Seeing the moogle and chocobo team up was delightful too. I just got into my own head a bit.