Saturday, September 26, 2020

FFXIV – Part 217: The Legendary Siegfried [Blue Mage 50-60]

Summary: Defending the Celestium from a hostile takeover. Finding a role for the new blue mage guild.


Into the Blue Again

-Martyn’s been doing well of late. Still performing running a new blue mage guild.


-I get to see him in action in the arena, where he takes out a behemoth. The same one I beat in the Masked Carnivale.

-He’s doing especially well with his new tricks. Oh, right – in the timeline, this is at the start of the 50-60 content. I’ve already gotten all those new spells, but in canon I have not.

-Martyn was so impressive that a mining businessman wants to sponsor him. Which is nice, since apparently all the monsters we keep are expensive to maintain.

In our world, horse ownership is expensive af. How much money must it take to maintain a behemoth?


Something Borrowed, Something Blue

-Like many 50-60 quests, this one involves teaching the students. Demonstrating some combat for them to start.

-Martyn’s also thinking more about blue mages as part of a group. (

Personally, I’m not a fan. I liked blue mages as a solo job rather than one that needs groups.


Bolt from the Blue

-The wealthy sponsor, Fyrgeiss, is back. Wants to learn more about the various mammets and beasts we maintain in our arena menagerie. I’m worried something sinister might be on the horizon.


“Ultros and Typhon… are now part of the Masked Carnivale. For slavering spawn of the netherworld, they are remarkably cooperative.” XD Just like in FFVI.

-But we may have a rival. A gladiator in the arena, not a blue mage, whom Fyrgeiss also sponsor.

SPEAKING OF FFVI! It’s Siegfried! That dude from the phantom train in FFVI. We see him impressively taking out Ultros in one swing. Sounds like he may be the real deal (unlike VI’s version).

-He apparently takes the stage name Siegfried from a mythical swordsman.

-He THROWS DOWN THE GAUNTLET. Points his swords at Martyn/Azuro in a challenge. This is hilariously pro wrestling.

-Outside the arena, Siegfried looks super badass without his mask. Real name: Zimberk. Fyrgeiss’ son.

-Ahhhh. The other shoe drops. Fyrgeiss thinks blue magic is a sham and just wants to use this challenge to attract mercenaries when “Siegfried” kicks our ass. 


Blue in the Face

-While Martyn preps for his fight, a random voidsent appears on the loose.

Seems that our benefactor has been stealing them from our menagerie. That’s why he wanted the lowdown on where they’re kept and how they’re acquired.

-Wait. It’s even WORSE. He wants to use the voidsent as guards that go in and chase beasts away from his businesses. Really? That sounds like it’ll go full-on “Jurassic Park” in five minutes.

-The Celestium’s (blue mage arena’s) owner, Royse, is not having it. Things get heated before Martyn steps in with a pretty dang good proposal: what about hiring the blue mages themselves instead?

FYRGEISS: “We all know that he who embraces too much has a weak grasp. I have no need of pathetic jesters in silly costumes.”

I get that. MMO “jack of all trades” jobs usually suck. But this is a limited job, friend!

And so, a bet. Martyn vs. Siegfried. If Siegfried wins, Fyrgeiss gets the Celestium. If Martyn wins, Royse still owns the arena and Fyrgeiss hires the blue mages.


Blue Scream of Death

-LOL, that quest name.

-Azuro’s freaking out. Keeps hearing that Siegfried has no weaknesses even from other gladiators.

-IS THAT A TOMMY GUN??? Siegfried’s got some new tricks.

-The battle begins and Siegfried uses illusions and his gun to kick ass.

-Martyn is on his last legs when he lets loose with a self-destruct… and it doesn’t work. Siegfried is still standing. (I hate when that happens.)

-And yet, Siegfried is surprised. Impressed. If he didn’t have his new magitek armor, he would’ve been destroyed.

[Later edit: I really like this, how Martyn’s not just a blowhard. He may not be as good as me, but he knows his shit and did well.]

He demands a rematch, this time against me. I love that, that he wants to really be sure who’s the stronger rather than just taking the win.

-The blue mage log (some group thing?) unlocked. I’ll deal with that after Siegfried.

-It’s a three phase fight. Phase 1 isn’t too bad. Position myself around bombs, avoid aoes.

-Phase 2 wipes me with a weird aoe and knockback, but my second time through I do okay.

-Phase 3 is much tougher. He summons a copy of himself and it’s TOTAL CHAOS. Luckily, he only summons the adds twice. From around 60% health onward, it was basically just Act II again.

-It feels SO GOOD to have done that. Super awesome and satisfying fight! Like a solo raid.


Blue Cheese

-I avenged my master, hurray! And we saved the Celestium.

The fashionable Royse, owner of the Celestium.

-“Siegfried” is quite gracious in defeat. I like him. Fyrgeiss is now ready to admit blue magic is legit. I still dislike him. 

-Martyn’s prize for our victory: a position as corporate mercenaries. Congrats?

-The students go off to explore the bounds of blue magic. Maybe we’ll see them in 6.0

-Martyn will now retire his “Azuro” persona… LOL, nm. He’s going to retire and come back as a new persona, “Azuro the Third.” Hard to give up show business.


What Now?

There are a few directions left:

1) Keep collecting new spells. I’ll try this as my friends’ time and my interest allows. It’s fun going back to old content to Catch ‘Em All.

2) Work on the new Masked Carnivale fights. I did one fight (again Papa Humbaba, hee!) and three remain. Typhon kicked my butt. I’ll chip away at the last challenges as interest and time permit.

3) The blue mage log.

This is the biggie. And not one I’m really stoked about. My enjoyment of FFXIV is mostly around story content rather than group challenges. To the extent I like group challenges, it’s the ones that don’t need communication with strangers. 24 player raids, normal trials, etc.

The blue mage group challenges likely require a fair bit of communication to get through. That doesn’t really appeal to me with strangers. I’m glad it exists, and it sounds like an AWESOME option for those who want it! Just not going to worry about it for now. Maybe later.

This job was a blast. So glad they did it as a limited job rather than just making it a blue mage-flavored black mage. I’ll be curious how it changes and improves with future patches and expansions.


Next time: Working on the Shadowlands beast tribe quests for Qitari and Dwarves.