Sunday, July 13, 2014

FFIV After Years – Part 22: Go, Tell It On the Mountain (Porom’s Tale)

Summary: Back to the present day. Porom and the Elder seek to bolster Mysidia’s defenses in light of the second moon’s return, and in light of the Lunar Whale randomly taking off. Porom heads to Mount Ordeals to find Kain. She does, and also holds brief palaver with KluYa before heading back to Mysidia.



-Starting out at the Prayer Dais. Porom is alone. Palom just now arrived in Troia, and Porom’s feeling stuck and alone in Mysidia.

-Porom really wanted to go to Troia, and part of it I think is feeling like she’s again taking a back seat to her brother.

-SHE’S WORRIED PALOM WILL “LEAVE HER BEHIND”!!!!! This is heart-crushing. I don’t know whether she means this magically, like he’ll surpass her, or family-wise, like he’ll go off and do his own thing and she’ll lose the close contact with her twin she’s always had. My guess: a little of each.

-The Elder says “The Dragon is crying.” Wtf

-Oh, that’s the dragon from the Mysidian legend about the Lunar Whale. AND THE LUNAR WHALE IS FLYING OUT OF THE OCEAN INTO SPACE. BYE LUNAR WHALE.

-Now they want to gather power. With Palom absent, it’s off to find Kain on Mount Ordeals.

-LOLOLOL during this next part, which we saw already in Edge’s Tale, we get to see the ninja-in-frog-disguise lurking in the background, but this time from Porom’s perspective.

Hi, Tsukinowa the Toad!

-And off goes Porom to Mt. Ordeals! Toad in tow, as we saw when playing through Tsukinowa’s mission. Yet again, I love how we see these separate tales intersect. Really cool storytelling mechanic.

-The Elder’s sending a black mage and white mage with Porom.

-Bows/arrows for all!

-I wonder… was the Lunar Whale occupied, or is it semi-sentient?


Mt. Ordeals

-Many undead. And Liliths still are annoying.

-Got to the top, but no Kain sightings yet… I do see the stone obelisk though1

-Porom senses something, however faint, from inside… a voice! KluYa still?

-They ported inside the obelisk. It’s the same basic design as when Cecil became a paladin, but it’s in bad shape. Most of the mirrors are smashed up.

Then KluYa speaks:

“O gentle white mage
I… am about to fade…
But my spirit… will never be extinguished…
My sons have always believed in you… And now…”

I’m not sure what the upshot of this is, cool to see anyway.

-Back down the mountain, but a horde of undead pulls a Scarmiglione on us (i.e. ambushes us on the bridge). Things look bleak, but KAIN TO THE RESCUE!

-Did Kain and Porom ever meet? I think so, but can’t remember.

-Kain still has sworn of Baron (for shame of his actions as part of the Cagnazzo-controlled city?), but Porom convinces him he still cares for his home city. Kain joins up!

-Btw, he’s powerful as fuck.

-Back down the mountain we go. But a brief interlude where Porom’s Tale intersects with the end of Palom’s Tale. She stops and senses Palom is in danger. This is right as Evil Moon Girl finally takes the crystal from Palom, but I only know that from playing Palom’s Tale. Porom’s spidey-senses are much vaguer, only sensing general trouble.

-Chocobo back to Mysidia.


Next time: Mysidia

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