Sunday, July 13, 2014

FFIV After Years – Part 23: Mysidia Under Fire (Porom’s Tale)

Summary: We arrive back in Mysidia, but in the middle of a monster assault. It started in Baron and came through the Devil’s Road. The Elder is wounded, but we manage to save him. Temporarily. Evil Moon Girl shows up to take the crystal. The Elder and Porom try to stop her, but fail. Kain shows up, and makes a pact with EMG. End of Porom’s Tale.


-Immediately upon arriving back in Mysidia, we see that the city is under an all-out monster assault.

-We charge to the Prayer Dais to check on the Elder, clearing out a Steel Golem along the way.

-The Crystal is still there at least.

-Elder in trouble, and boss fight to save him! This is against a floating eye, “Blood Eye.” Tough fight, and he does lots of damage, but Kain’s jump attack shreds him.

-The monsters came from the Devil’s Road apparently.

-DAMMIT KAIN. He left our party to head to Baron, leaving Porom in the dust.

-Porom runs out of the Tower to follow Kain, and runs into none other than Evil Moon Girl.

-Because of course. Of course she’s behind this.

-Incidentally, she gets really cool music whenever she’s on screen. Very… Moon-like.

-The Elder is coming out to stop EMG! IT’S ON!!

-…Except it’s not really on. These are two white mages against EMG. They barely do any damage. This is a recipe for disaster.

-Especially when she summons the still-shackled Ramuh.

-Just before Ramuh’s Judgment Bolt can strike, the Elder somehow protects Porom from its impact. He dies, but she is unharmed. Bye, Elder

-Kain came back! …with the crystal in hand. Why?

-He’s offering it to EMG if she first lets him kill the king of Baron. WTF game are you playing at, Kain? EMG agrees to this pact, and walks away.

-Kain jumps away, heading towards Baron before Porom can get an answer about what the hell Kain is doing.

-Leaving Porom in the corpse-strewn streets of Mysidia.



Next time: Edward’s Tale. I noticed that Kain’s Tale is also an option, but I think it may have opened up later, so I’ll get the first wave of tales done before moving onto Kain. Edward and then Yang, then Kain.

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