This is the only game in this series that’s a replay for me. I loved it deeply on SNES growing up. Well… the main game. The PSP emulated version I’m using has two more mini-games in it apparently, “Interlude” and “After Years.” Those will be 100% blind/fresh.
For the main game at least, I’ll make two main changes from how I’ve been doing this “Plays” so far.
First: This may be more bullet-pointy. I’ll talk about little things I remember and how this version of the game jumps out at me compared to what I remember.
Second: I tend to have longer play sessions, so both to work with that and simultaneously combat it, I’m going to write up my notes after smaller game blocks rather than personal play session. For FFIII, when I had a really long session, I wanted to say too much, and it got overwhelming, so I didn’t say anything and kept playing. Posting after major game segments may help slow down, even if it means a few posts in a day.
Aaaaand…. HERE WE GO!
-Hee. Cecil says “damnation.”
-I never saw PSP graphics before, but these are beautiful. I especially like the fire graphic.
-OMG OMG OMG. Kain gets backstory. He talked about his father who passed away when he was young. HI RICARD. Not actual Ricard, but still. This is some Dark Tower “nineteen” bullshit right here.
-“I love thinking about dark knights. They’re scary. And by “scary,” I mean totally awesome!” You’re totally awesome, kid.
-I really like the meter that tells me which character attacks next and when their ability/jump is about to cast. Massive improvement, from FFI-III, and I don’t remember it from the SNES version.
-I don’t remember “Darkness” from SNES either, and have to be really careful about using this sparingly.
-Monsters seem really weak so far, even for the intro phase of a game. And not just weak, but slow. It’s not uncommon for Cecil and Kain to get in two full rounds before any of them attack. I both hope and imagine that will change.
Currently through the bombing of Mist. Next up: Kaipo.