Wednesday, July 2, 2014

FFIV – Part 2: Kaipo to Kabul

-The portraits in this game are great. I especially like how open and happy Rydia looks. The portraits don’t change expressions the way they did in FFII, but that’s not a big deal.

-Use the A button on the fire: “Ow ow ow!” Hee!

-Do enemies have rows? Like if an enemy is in the back of their formation, do they take and deal less damage? If so, does that bonus go away for them once I kill the enemies in front of them?

-When I played this as a kid, I took the magic system for granted. Coming from FFI-III, I appreciate it more and how naturally it flows. Was NOT a fan of having to buy magic in shops.


-Interesting to see mobs that carry over. Adamantoise was a nasty boss in FFII, and here it’s trash in the Antlion Cave.

-Another example: the pudding mobs changed their weaknesses! In FFII, the yellow pudding was resistant to lightning. In FFIV, the yellow pudding is weak to lightning.

-Major LOL at Rydia’s Chocobo summon. The Chocobo launches out of nowhere and kicks the living shit out of the mob with feet of fury, leaving little chicken footprints on the target.

-I reiterate: fuck tiny mages. It's like the game designers thought, "You know what's annoying? Mobs immune to magic. Ooh, also one that cast paralyze/hold! And let's add mana drain for good measure."


Made it past the (really weak) Octomom, through the Antlion Cave, through Mount Hobbs, and survived the siege on Kabul.

Next up: sailing out from Kabul.

EDIT: One more thing: what's the deal with the spell naming system? One of the few things so far I liked more in the SNES version was that my spells were name X 1, X 2, X 3, X 4. Here, I have Cure, Cura, and I assume it'll go to Curaga and Curaja. Why? Is there some cultural or linguistic hing that makes those names intuitive in Japanese?

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