Wednesday, July 2, 2014

FFIV – Part 3: Palom and Porom Protect their Pal, the Paladin

After setting sail from Kabul, we got eaten by the (recurring) Leviathan. I think he was in both FFII and III, but not I – or was he in FFI too? Wound up in Mysidia, where the locals took all manner of pretty funny revenge on me in terms of pigging me, toading me, sleeping me, poisoning me, and sassing me. The Elder sent the SUPER AWESOME Palom and Porom with me to Mount Ordeals, where we met up with Tellah.

On Mount Ordeals, beat the Fiend of Earth twice and pacified my way to paladinhood. Continued on to Baron, beat Baigan (tough!), and Cagnazzo, and… lost Palom and Porom :(


-Edward’s sprite cracks me up, with the jaunty little hat thing. Not sure how it stays on. Now that I think about it…

Edward and Simon Adebisi: SEPARATED AT BIRTH!

-The fiends names seem different. I don’t remember what the SNES Earth fiend was called, but it was definitely not Scarmiglione. Why the change? And why the Italian-sounding theme? Not that it’s a bad thing, just that it seems like a conscious choice and I’m not sure on the reasoning.

-My impatient kid self got so frustrated with the Paladin trial. I didn’t get it, and just kept attacking.

-Scarmiglione was much easier in his second form than I remember. I remember him being a nightmare, constantly poisoning and sleeping my characters, and barely beating him. This time, he just spammed “Slow” on me, which I think is binary (either slowed or not) rather than being cumulative where I keep getting slower and slower. Fire made quick work of him.

-Why did Golbez capture Rosa in the first place? I get that he later uses her to blackmail Cecil into getting the crystal, but it seems like he only thought of it when Kain brought it up much later.

-Palom and Porom’s sprite animations are awesome. I especially like Porom (the girl, right?) with her cry, and Palom’s victory dance.


Next time: Toroia

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