I have certain archetypes of fun characters in mind, but I tend to rehash these same characters over and over in my gaming, so I'm hoping that randomizing the creation will freshen these up.
By "randomizing," I mean that I'll when there's a choice of different attributes, I'll use random.org to pick between them. For example, if I'm randomizing between Horde or Alliance in WoW, I'll randomly generate a number between one and two. The bolded option will be what random.org has chosen.
Let's see what we get!
Diablo III
Going to be doing this as a new "seasonal" character, so unboosted from any prior experience.
Class: Barbarian - Crusader - Demon Hunter - Monk - Witch Doctor - Wizard
Gender: Male - Female
Appearance in D3 doesn't change. All characters of the same gender and class look alike, and I'm naming the character Coldrun, so nothing left to generate.
One down!
World of Warcraft
Gender: Male - Female
Faction: Alliance - Horde
Race: Orc - Undead - Tauren - Troll - Blood Elf - Goblin - Pandaren
Class: Warrior - Hunter - Rogue - Priest - Shaman - Mage - Warlock - Death Knight
I'll randomize appearance too. #1-10. Whatever the number is, that's how many times I'll click the "randomize all" button.
Appearance: #9
This is exciting. I've always wanted to do a random play, but don't want to devote much time to it. FF, fitness (and, you know, real life too) are more central projects, but still. Excited!